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Opening the KPI flashboards

Use this procedure to open the KPI flashboards to view the information that they contain.

To open the KPI flashboards

  1. From the Funtions area of the navigation pane, click the KPIs link.
  2. From the Company list at the top, select the customer company for which you want to view KPI flashboards.


    Your access level determines the companies that you see in the Company list.

  3. From the Navigation pane, choose Process KPIs > KPIflashboardLink.
    KPIflashboardLink is the link to the specific KPI flashboard that you want to see.


    Click the triangle beside the Process KPI text to open and close this area of the Navigation pane.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
