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Debugging tips

Every license type created by the license type wizard creates a corresponding set of rules that are stored in the license engine rule forms and start with a prefix of RLE:.

The corresponding rules created are as follows:

  • Query operations translate into GET rules.
  • Create/modify operations translate into UPDATE rules.
  • Computational operations translate into CALCULATE rules.
  • Comparison operations translate into COMPARE rules.

To debug license types, try some of the steps in the following sections:


Do not delete the data in the following forms directly because the functionality for the corresponding license types will not work. Also there are a few system rules shipped with 7.5.00 that are loaded in the RLE forms at installation time. These rules should not be modified or deleted because they are used by all license types.

Following are some of the RLE forms and the system rules that they contain:

  • The RLE:RunTag form has a system rule for the LIVE RunTag.
  • The RLE:RuleSetType form has two system data rules: one for CONNECTION jobs and the other one for COMPLIANCE jobs.
  • The RLE:RuleSet, RLE:GetRuleJoin, RLE:UpdateRuleJoin, and RLE:LoopRuleJoin forms have two rulesets called GetScope and CommitData. These are used to process connection rules for all rules.
  • Several other RLE forms are also installed will all the default license types that are shipped with the BMC Remedy Asset Management application. Do not modify any of this data in the forms. Only modify or delete license types using the license type wizard.

If a license type is not running

Ensure that the license type is enabled as described in Managing license types and related license certificates.

If the right CIs are not connected to a certificate

  • Examine your connection rules to ensure the following points:
    • If you are using the basic model, you have the right questions mapped to the CMDB classes/fields.
    • If you are using the advanced model, you have the right fields mapped to the CMDB fields.
  • The following is the sequence of operations that occur when a connection job is run. You can track the sequence of these operations in the arjavaplugin.log log if needed by turning debugging on as described in Configuring the license engine.
    • A scope list is updated in a back-end table called AST:LicenseScopeTable, based on the equal parameter defined for the job.
    • The system gets the certificates for the license type.
    • For every certificate, the system gets the matching CIs.
    • The system updates the scope list with the CIs that have matching certificates.
    • The system performs further operations on the scope table, for example, CIs get related to certificates, exception data gets processed, and so on.

If compliance actions are not working correctly

  • Ensure that all of the actions are in the right sequence because the results of previous actions can be used in subsequent actions.
  • Ensure that each action has the correct WHERE qualifiers, so that the right set of data is returned.

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