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Advanced verification of license type import and export

After the license types have been exported or imported, you can verify that the process was successful by comparing the exported ARX file and the export or import log files.

To verify successful export or import of the license type

  1. Open the exported ARX file using a text editor.
  2. Open the Export.log or Import.log file in another instance of the text editor.
    These files are created in the <ARServerInstallationDirectory>/ARSystem folder.
  3. Verify that the number of forms in the log file and the ARX file are identical.

If your import is unsuccessful, you can use the BMC Remedy Data Import command-line tool .bat file.

Following is a sample command:

"importToolInstallPath\DataImport.bat" -x “destinationServerName” -u “adminUserName” -p “password” -a port -o “LicenseTypearxfileName” -e 179 -D 3 -l "LogFileName.log"

Use one of the following - D parameters:

  • 1 - Rejects duplicate records to ensure that the existing license model is not overwritten.
  • 3 - Overwrites existing form data in the license model.

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This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
