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Understanding the sandbox and production datasets

When multiple sources update the BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium CMDB), there must be some control on how the data is updated so that BMC Atrium CMDB does not become loaded with unintended data. BMC Atrium CMDB and BMC Asset Management provides a control mechanism: the sandbox dataset.

BMC Asset Management is installed with the sandbox dataset set to BMC.ASSET.SANDBOX and the production dataset set to BMC ASSET.

An administrator defines what sources of updates have the most appropriate information to load into the production data, and can disable the sandbox. Users do not make changes directly to production data, unless the sandbox is disabled. When a user modifies data, the data flows through a temporary storage area (the sandbox dataset), and then runs through the Reconciliation Engine. The Reconciliation Engine determines which modified attributes to also modify into the production data.


During reconciliation, some updates might not get updated in the production dataset. The system can be configured to treat another data source as a higher precedence than the data being entered through BMC Asset Management. If two data sources make updates, the data source with the highest precedence determines the production dataset.

For more information about the BMC Atrium CMDB, see BMC Atrium Core architecture and features. For more information about the sandbox dataset, also referred to as an overlay dataset, see Sandbox views and datasets.

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