This documentation supports the 21.3 version of Action Request System.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Reconciling form, field, and view objects using the objects list

If you know the objects that are modified in the new definition or you want to compare your overlay objects manually with the old definition and new definition, you can directly open the Objects list from All Objects and reconcile them.

You can open a single instance of the form object to reconcile form, field, and view properties. When you open any form, field, or view object for reconciliation, the properties for other other objects are also displayed for reconciliation. For example, when you open a form for reconciliation, you can view all the fields and views on that form which needs to be reconciled. 

When you double-click any property from the Difference list,  you either see the Editor tab or Properties tab for reconciliation based on the type of object.

  1. In the AR System Navigator, open the Objects list for the object which you want to reconcile. For example, Forms, Fields.
  2. Find the object from the objects list.
  3. Right click the object and click View Differences with.
  4. Select the server with which you want to compare your definition.
  5. The Differences List with all the properties that need to be reconciled is displayed.

  6. Double-click the property for which you want to see the differences in 3-way reconciliation utility.
    You must either use the Editor tab or Properties tab for 3-way reconciliation. The Editor tab displays the list of definitions and the Properties tab displays the list of properties.
  7. Check and reconcile the properties by replicating them from new definition to overlay definition. You can reconcile your properties using the following options:  
    1. Click Move from Old   to replace your overlay object property with the old object property.
    2. Click Move from New  to replace your overlay object property with the new object property introduced after upgrade.

      You can use the above sub steps only for specific node level only.

    3. Right-click to use the Copy and Paste option only where you want to directly replace the overlay object property with the new object property. You can use this option only for the entire section. For example, you cannot copy individual check box from new definition and paste it in the overlay definition. For more information about existing copy and paste feature in Developer Studio , see Copying workflow objects.
      1. Right-click the panel that you want to reconcile from the New Definition and select Copy.  
      2. Right-click the same panel in the overlay definition and select Paste. The existing overlay object is updated to replace the old panel with the changes from new panel.

        For lists, permissions, and associated forms, existing overlay object is updated to merge the changes from new definition without losing the customizations.

    4. Edit the changes from new definition property into your overlay definition property. You must compare your new definition property with the overlay definition property and modify your overlay object manually to reconcile the changes.

      For complex properties, you must verify the property values in new definition and reconcile the changes in your overlay definition by editing the property inline. 

  8. After updating the properties, click Apply to apply the changes to your overlay. If you go the next difference without applying the changes, your changes are lost. Also, you must save the entire object to save the changes.

  9. Click the Next Difference and Previous Difference icons to navigate through the Differences List instead of scrolling through the list. You can also go to the top of the list by using First Diff  .

    You can also click the Next Field Difference and Previous Field Difference  icons to navigate from one field difference to another field difference in the list.

  10. Copy or edit all the properties for the object as mentioned in step 7. 
  11. Save the changes to complete reconciliation.
    1. Yes —  the Reconciled check box for the selected fields is selected in the Objects to Reconcile list indicating that the object is reconciled.
    2. No — the Reconciled check box is not selected for any field in the Objects to Reconcile list indicating that you have not completed reconciliation.


After saving the changes and closing the object, when you open the object again from the list, the Objects to reconcile list does not display the properties which are already reconciled. When you turn the Only show changes to reconcile filter OFF, you will see all the changes including the ones which are already reconciled.

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