This documentation supports the 21.3 version of Action Request System.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Developing an API program

Use Action Request System  APIs to develop applications that integrate with Service Management applications. You must know how to write API programs and be familiar with AR System , including the overall architecture. In addition, you should be knowledgeable about the operating system for your environment and have some experience with client/server applications and plug-ins. The information here assumes that you are proficient in C programming and are familiar with arrays, pointers, structure types, and allocated memory. To use the XML import and export functions, you should be knowledgeable about XML.


Understand the REST API and how to use the AR System API for integration.

When to use API programming

Learn how AR System derives a client request codeset from the locale information in ARControlStruct.

How AR System derives a codeset in an API program
Use the REST API to integrate forms with an outside application.Integrating AR System forms with a third-party application by using the REST API

Get details about the  AR System C API.

AR System C API overview
Install, link, and compile C API programs.AR System C API installation and compilation requirements

Review the most common elements and functions of  AR System C API key data structures.

Data structures

Use C API functions to perform operations on AR System objects.

AR System C API functions

Use AR System C API programs to initialize and shut down the system and perform other common tasks.

Creating and executing AR System C API programs
Solve problems with your API program by using logging and the driver program.Debugging API programs

Learn about the  AR System C plug-in application programming interface (API) functions and data structures.

AR System plug-in API functions and data structures

Transform  AR System objects into XML format and XML back into  AR System objects.

XML transformation routines
Use the ARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields function to perform dynamic joins, which retrieve entries from multiple forms at run time.Retrieving entries from multiple forms

Learn what Java API files are installed with AR System , understand the programming model, and see some sample code.

AR System Java API overview

Monitor the API calls between an  AR System server and its clients.

Monitoring API calls
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