This documentation supports the 21.05 version of Action Request System.
To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Restarting the plug-in server

When any of the following occur,  you only need to restart the plug-in server instead of restarting the  AR System server :

  • Changes related to C or Java plug-ins
  • Binary updates that take place during installation
  • Plug-in related updates to the ar.conf file
  • Changes to the AR System Administration:Plugin Server Configuration form are done to the C plug-in file or Java plug-in form

To restart the plug-in server

  1. Double-click the driver.exe file.
    The file is located in the following path:
    • (Windows) ARInstallationFolder\Arserver\api\driver
    • (UNIX) ARInstallationFolder/bin

      On UNIX, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the directory where the arserver.exe is located (for example, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= opt/bmc/ARSystem/bin).

  2. To initialize, enter the init command.
  3. To log on, enter the log command and provide details such as user name, password, and server name.
    For more information about the driver.exe commands, see Using the driver program from the command line.
  4. If you are not using the port mapper, enter the ssp (Set Server Port) command and then enter the server port number.
  5. For Using private socket, enter 0 or leave it blank.
  6. To verify the login information, enter the ver command.
  7. Enter the ssi (Set Server Info) command and perform the following: 
    1. Enter 1 for the Number of server info operations that you want to perform.
    2. Enter 348 as the Operation number to forcefully shut down the plug-in server.
    3. Enter 2 for integer as the Datatype
    4. Enter 0 or 1 as the Integer Value.

    When the AR monitor detects that the plug-in server is down, it checks if any changes are made to the ar.cfg file. If the changes are detected, the recent ar.cfg is loaded before the stopped plug-in server is automatically restarted.
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