This documentation supports the 20.02 version of Remedy Action Request (AR) System.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

armonitor.conf or armonitor.cfg

The Java-based armonitor.conf (armonitor.cfg) file is read by the armonitor (armonitor.exe) binary, which runs the commands listed in the configuration file.


Each file name is listed by its UNIX name. If a Windows equivalent exists, it appears in parentheses after the UNIX name.

The armonitor configuration file is created at the following location:

(Windows) ARSystemServerInstallDir\Conf\armonitor.cfg

(UNIX) /etc/arsystem/serverName/armonitor.conf

armonitor configuration options


Lines with a (#) sign in armonitor file are treated as comments and ignored.

The following table describes the armonitor configuration options:



Defines environment values established for armonitor. You can include multiple instances of this option in the file. Before initiating any processes, armonitor sets any values specified through this option in its environment. Then, all processes that armonitor initiates inherit these values. This is a platform-independent way of defining environment variables. With this option, you can overwrite the existing value of an environment variable.

Syntax: EnvVariableName=value

Example: ARDATEONLY=MM/dd/yyyy


Specifies the armonitor directory. Initially, the installer enters the location for the directory. This location to the Monitor-directory is same as the location where BMC Remedy AR System is installed.

Best practices for updating the armonitor.cfg file in server group or non-server environment

  • The arcarte server hostname defined in armonitor.cfg for arcarte plugin should be the AR host name and not the server alias name. As an example, you can see the below details pertaining to a server in the AR Server Group environment. The highlighted text specifies the server name.

Note: Remedy OnDemand users should not use OnBMC-S as this is an alias name. Use the exact host name to be able to connect with the host.

  • Enable all the diserver or carte plugin in all the servers existing in your server group environment. When a primary server fails, the jobs can run on the secondary server if the diserver or carte plugin is enabled for the secondary server. 
  • Every AR server in the server group environment should point to local host name and not to the Primary AR server. 

Server start trace logs

The armonitor.cfg file includes a -t parameter that logs the detailed trace of server startup events. By default, the trace of the log file is logged in the arstartup_trace.log file if any issues are encountered during the AR System Server startup.

The detailed trace logs help in debugging the server startup issues.

You can view the logs in the arstartup_trace.log file located in the <ARSystem_Install_directory>\ARSystem\Arserver\Db\ folder.

(Optional) Customizing the armonitor.conf file

You can choose to customize the armonitor.cfg file.

When you have additional processes for the armonitor.conf file, you can choose to create a copy of the armonitor.conf file and store the copy at the different location. The -c parameter instructs the armonitor to load information from the specified configuration file. 
For example, java -jar armonitor-9.1.04-SNAPSHOT.jar -c <completePath>

(Optional) To customize the armonitor.conf file

  1. Stop arserver.
  2. On command prompt, navigate to  <Install dir\BMC Software\ARSystem> location.
  3. Run the following command for specifying the custom armonitor configuration.
    java -jar armonitor-9.1.04-SNAPSHOT.jar -c <completePathToARMonitorConfigurationFile> 

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