This documentation supports the 20.02 version of Remedy Action Request (AR) System.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

ar.cfg or ar.conf options C-D

Best Practice

  • We recommend that you use the AR System Configuration Generic UI form to modify the configuration settings. You should not use the ar.cfg file to modify the configuration settings available on the AR System Configuration Generic UI form. See Configuration Settings C-D.
  • The database related parameters for all the servers in the server group should be the same.
This table contains the options for the ar.cfg (ar.conf) file that begin with the letters C and D.

ar.cfg (ar.conf) file options (C-D)


  • Press F to view the table in full screen mode. Press Esc to exit full screen mode.
  • To easily search for a specific parameter in the below table, select the parameter from the Option list. Alternatively, type the name of the parameter in the Option text box. For example, to search for the Cache-Mode parameter, select it from the Option list, or type the parameter name in the Option text box.
  • To search for all parameters having a specific text string in the name, type the text string in the Option text box. For example, to search for all Cache parameters, type Cache in the Option text box.
  • To search for the parameters which have a specific text string in the description, type the string in the Description text box.
    For example, to search for the parameters which have ARCreateEntry() in the description, type ARCreateEntry() in the Description text box.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

OptionDescriptionMaps to
Cache-Display-Properties 2 

The way that the server caches form display properties. The form display property is the background image of the form view and the display property of each form field. Valid values:

  • T — (Default) Cache all form-display properties.
  • F — Cache only server-display properties. (This can negatively impact the performance of the server if a form is changed, but it reduces the amount of memory used in the server cache.)

The valid value for Cache-Mode is 0 — (Default). In this mode administrative operations cause the server to create an administrative copy of its cache so that other users can continue using the shared cache while administrative operations are performed.

In BMC Remedy AR System 9.x and later, the Development cache mode and Production cache mode behave in the same way. The AR System server maintains a single copy of cache.
Do not change value for this setting. For this setting, the AR System server assumes the value as per the production cache mode. This behavior is true, even if you try to change the setting directly through API.

The Development Cache Mode field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Cancel-Query-Option 2

Flag indicating whether the cancel query functionality in a browser is enabled. Valid values:

  • 0 — Inactive
  • 1 — (Default) Active

Flag indicating whether the system checks whether another user changed an entry after you retrieved the entry. If you try to save modifications to an entry, you receive a warning and must confirm the save. Valid values:

  • T — (Default) Perform the check and issue a warning.
  • F — Do not perform the check.

Maximum time (in seconds) to hold a transaction before a timeout occurs. The default is 60 seconds, and there is no maximum. If a timeout occurs, the server automatically rolls the transaction back, and the client receives an error on the next operation that uses the transaction handle.

The Transaction Timeout (seconds) field in the Transaction Control area on the Advanced tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting performance and security options.)

Flag indicating whether indexes for the database are clustered. Valid values:

  • T — (Default) Use a clustered index.
  • F — Do not use a clustered index. 

    You must set this option before you start the BMC Remedy AR System server.

Specifies the time interval in milliseconds after which the CMDB refreshes its cache in the background. Default value: 900000
Note: If the value defined for this parameter is less than 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds), the default value is taken.

CMDB-Cache-Refresh-Interval 2Frequency, in seconds, at which the BMC Atrium CMDB cache is refreshed. The default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). For more information about the cache refresh interval, see Setting the cache refresh interval. The link Setting the cache refresh interval, points to BMC CMDB 9.1 

Specifies the time interval in milliseconds after which the data will be treated as orphaned and the memory can be reclaimed by server.
Default value: 3600000

Note: The value for this parameter should be greater than 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds), if it is not then the default value is taken.


Specifies the time interval in milliseconds to start checking for the orphan data after CMDB server has started. Default value: 900000
Note: The value for this parameter should be greater than 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds), if it is not then the default value is taken.


Specifies the time interval in milliseconds at which the CMDB server should perform the orphan data checks. To disable this parameter set a value to minus -. For example, -1.

Default value: 300000

Note: The value for this parameter should be greater than 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds), if it is not then the default value is taken.

CMDB-CIViewer-Graph-Limit1Sets the CI viewer graph limit. 
CMDB-GQRecursion-Limit1Sets the limit for number of levels of recursion for CMDB graph query. 
CMDB-Hard-Delete-Only-If-Marked-For-Delete1Specifies that all the CIs that are Marked As Delete (MAD) are to be deleted. 
CMDB-Impact-Weight-Default1Specifies the default weight attached to impact relationship. This value is used in Atrium Impact Simulation. 
CMDB-Log-File-Location1Specifies the path on the server where the log file is saved. 
CMDB-Log-File-Name1Specifies the name of the CMDB log file. 
CMDB-Max-Results-Per-Query1Specifies the maximum number of results that are returned per query. If this value is 0 it means that the maximum results per query are unlimited. 

Specifies the number of backup CMDB log files to be maintained.
Default value: 10


In a server group environment, the AR System server automatically sets the value of this parameter. The parameter value is based on the corresponding operational rankings and ownership.

Valid values:

— Indicates that the CMDB operation is not currently owned by the local AR System server and the server does not process CMDB requests.

F — Indicates that the CMDB operation is currently owned by the local AR System server and the server processes CMDB requests.


If you change this setting manually, the AR System server may overwrite the manual setting.

Configure-Log4j1Indicates whether log4j package should be configured from the external properties file 
Configuration-Name1Defines the name of the component. AR System server uses this option to identify the active component in the database. 
Create-Entry-DeadLock-Retries 2

Number of times to retry the ARCreateEntry() function during deadlock situations. Value is an integer.

Default value - 3 (3 retries)

Create-Entry-DeadLock-Retries-Delay 2

Delay, in seconds, between each retry of a deadlocked ARCreateEntry() function. Value is an integer.

Default value - 0 (Retries happen immediately, without a delay)


Flag indicating how the system responds when a user's logon name is not assigned a password in the User form. Valid values:

  • T — The system tries to validate the password in the Windows server domain (or through the External Authentication API if external authentication is on) or against the UNIX server /etc/passwd file.
  • F — (Default) Blank passwords are not cross-referenced. 

    This option enables you to manage group membership and other support information with AR System while managing passwords with the /etc/passwd file (UNIX) or the server domain security model (Windows).
Currency-Ratio-Client-Refresh-Interval 2Number of minutes between each refresh of currency conversion ratios on the client.
Default value: 1440 minutes

Db-Case-Insensitive 1

Flag indicating whether to perform case-insensitive queries on Run If qualifications for active links, filters, and escalations. (For Oracle databases, ensure that this option matches the behavior of your Oracle database so that all queries are consistent.) Valid values:

  • T — Performs case-insensitive search. Setting this parameter in the ar.cfg (ar.conf) file causes special session parameters (NLS_SORT and NLS_COMP) to be set to support case-insensitive searches and invalidate existing database indexes. By default, the AR System server creates regular indexes when you add an index to a form. To support case-insensitive searches on Oracle databases, functional indexes are required instead of regular indexes. To change the AR System server's default behavior for index creation, set the Db-Functional-Index parameter to T. For more information, see Db-Functional-Index.
  • F (the default) — Performs case-sensitive queries.

To learn how to enable case-insensitive search for fixed-length text fields in BMC Remedy AR System version 9.1 on Oracle, see the BMC Knowledge Base article KA 000102992.

Db-Character-Set 2

Option that initializes an internal variable that the server uses for various purposes, such as informing the ARGetServerInfo function's AR_SERVER_INFO_DB_CHAR_SET server option request or adjusting the database short column size so that the number of characters in a datum does not exceed the number of bytes in the database field. Valid values:

  • Unicode (UTF-16) — UTF-16 UCS-2
  • Unicode (UTF-8) — UTF-8

Note: The installer sets this option's value.


Use this optional property to set the custom connection properties on a database connection. This property is database specific. For example, Cipher suites, trustStore.


Db-Custom-Conn-Props: key1=value1;key2=value2


Db-Custom-Conn-Props: encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true

When you specify the Oracle-JDBC-URL parameter, the BMC Remedy AR System server ignores this option. For more information, see Configuring Oracle databases Open link


Db-Functional-Index 1

Option to change the AR System server's default behavior for index creation. To change the AR System server's default behavior for index creation, set the Db-Functional-Index parameter to T. Then, when a new index is added to a form, the AR System server creates a functional index for the form. This parameter helps to avoid performance degradation that can result from not using database indexes. The Db-Functional-Index parameter is ignored if Db-Case-Insensitive is set to F or if it is absent from the ar.cfg file. The Db-Case-Insensitive and Db-Functional-Index parameters handle new indexes.

For more information, see the Knowledge Base article KA 000102992.

In the database (outside of the AR System server), you must manually convert any existing indexes to functional indexes.

For optimal performance when using database indexes for case-insensitive searches on Oracle, make sure that the database administrator sets cursor sharing to EXACT for the functional indexes that Oracle Optimizer will use (otherwise, performance can be severely degraded due to full table scans).

Note: Depending on the volume of data, creating functional indexes may take a long time.


Defines the name of the Database Server.

Note: The Db-Host-Name parameter for all the servers in the server group should be the same. When you specify the Oracle-JDBC-URL parameter, the BMC Remedy AR System server ignores this option. For more information, see Configuring Oracle databases Open link


Maximum size (in bytes) of compressed attachments that the AR System server can retrieve from Oracle databases. The default value is 2 GB. This value is limited by your server operating system and configuration.

Note: To limit the size of compressed attachments that can be sent to the database server from AR System server, see AR-Max-Attach-Size.

Db-Max-Text-Size  2(Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) Maximum size for long character text data in databases. For Oracle databases, this value is also used for memory allocation during the processing of long text data; therefore, use it conservatively. The default for an Oracle database is 4,194,308 bytes. For SQL Server, the default is 2,147,483,647 bytes. The maximum value for either database is 2,147,483,647 bytes. 
Db-name 1For Oracle, the name of the tablespace that the AR System server uses. For all other supported databases, the name of the underlying SQL database. The default value is ARSystem. 
Db-password(Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle) Database password associated with the ARSystem database and table space. The password can be modified by using the ARSetServerInfo function and is stored in encrypted form. If you change the password manually, specify this option by using clear text, and change the password by using the AR System Administration: Server Information form to encrypt it. 

Defines the database port number.

When you specify the Oracle-JDBC-URL parameter, the BMC Remedy AR System server ignores this option. For more information, see Configuring Oracle databases Open link


Defines the type of database the AR System server is connecting to.

Valid values:

  • sqlserver
  • oracle
Db-user 1(Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle) User name that AR System uses to access the underlying database. The default is ARAdmin. 
Debug-GroupIdName of the group to which a user must belong to use logging options such as API, database, and filter logging in BMC Remedy AR System clients. Logging options are disabled for users who are not members of the specified group. The group name can be Public, Administrator, Sub Administrator, or Browser. You can also set this option in the Client-Side Logging Group field on the Log Files tab. 

Bitmask indicating the server logging modes. To activate one bit, set this option to its value (see the following list). To activate two or more bits, add their values, and set this option to the total. For example, to activate bits 1 and 3, set this option to 5 because bit 1 has a value of 1 and bit 3 has a value of 4. To deactivate a bit, subtract its value from the value of this option. Unless otherwise specified in the following list, this option turns on logging for the arserverd process. Default log files are in the directory specified by the Server-directory option.

  • Bit 1 (value = 1 ) — (SQL databases only) Turns on SQL logging in the default arsql.log file. To specify a different file, use the SQL-Log-File option.
  • Bit 2 (value = 2 ) — Turns on filter logging in the default arfilter.log file. To specify a different file, use the Filter-Log-File option.
  • Bit 3 (value = 4 ) — Turns on user logging in the default aruser.log file. To specify a different file, use the User-Log-File option.
  • Bit 4 (value = 8 ) — Turns on escalation logging in the default arescl.log file. To specify a different file, use the Escalation-Log-File option.
  • Bit 5 (value = 16 ) — Turns on API logging in the default arapi.log file. To specify a different file, use the API-Log-File option.
  • Bit 6 (value = 32 ) — Turns on thread logging in the default arthread.log file. To specify a different file, use the Thread-Log-File option.
  • Bit 7 (value = 64 ) — Turns on alert logging in the default aralert.log file. To specify a different file, use the Alert-Log-File option.
  • Bit 9 (value = 256 ) — Turns on server group logging in the default arsrvgrp.log file. To specify a different file, use the Server-Group-Log-File option.
  • Bit 10 (value = 512 ) — Turns on logging for full text indexing in the default arftindx.log file. To specify a different file, use the Full-Text-Indexer-Log-File option.
  • Bit 11 (value = 1024) — Turns on logging for archiving operation in the default ararchive.log file. To specify a different file, use the Archive-Log-File option.
  • Bit 16 (value = 32768 ) — Turns on DSO server logging in the default ardist.log file. To specify a different file, use the Distrib-Log-File option.
  • Bit 17 (value = 65536 ) — Turns on Approval Server logging. To specify the location for the arapprov.log file, use the Approval Menu > Server Settings > AP: Admin-Server Settings form.
  • Bit 18 (value = 131072 ) — Turns on plug-in logging in the default arplugin.log file. To specify a different file, use the Plugin-Log-File option.
Default-Allowable-CurrenciesDefault allowable currency types for currency fields in clients. 
Default-Functional-CurrenciesDefault functional currency types for currency fields in clients. 
Default-messaging-portSpecifies port for JMS (Java Messaging Service) used by Java server for asynchronous communication within server or server group. Default value is 61617. 
Default-Order-By 2

Flag indicating whether to apply the default sort order to search results. Valid values:

  • T — (Default) Use the default sort order, which is to sort by request ID.
  • F — No default sort order exists, and no order by clause is added to the command if a sort order is not specified.

URL to the directory path for the default web server pointing to the BMC Remedy AR System server.

The Default Web Path field on the Advanced tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting performance and security options.)

Number of seconds before the latest cache is made available to all threads. Valid values: 0 to 3600 seconds. If this option is set to 0, every API call gets the latest cache (that is, the cache is copied for every administrator call). Setting the option to 0 causes slower performance for cache operations.

The default value is 5 seconds. The recommended value is 300 (5 minutes).

The Recache Delay field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag indicating whether administrative operations are allowed on the server. Valid values:

  • F — (Default) Disabled
  • T — Enabled 
    If the Server Groups check box is selected, this option is ignored. Server groups can be configured in the BMC Remedy AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form to make sure that only one server performs the operation. See Configuring server groups.
The Disable Admin Operations field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag indicating whether alerts are sent when alert events are created. Valid values:

  • T — No threads are started in the alert queue, and no alerts are sent.
  • F — (Default) Alerts are enabled. 

    Changes to this setting do not take effect until the server is restarted.
The Disable Alerts field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Switch that disables (T ) or enables (F ) the archive when the server starts.

If the Server Groups check box is selected, this option is ignored. Server groups can be configured in the BMC Remedy AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form to make sure that only one server performs the operation. See Configuring server groups.

The Disable Archive field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag indicating whether automatic signals triggered by changes to the following data on a server group's administrative server are disabled:

  • Archive definitions
  • Escalation definitions
  • Group information from the database 

    The signals can be generated by arsignald or the database. Signals triggered by changes to user, licensing, and computed group information are not disabled. Valid values:
  • T — The specified signals are disabled.
  • F — (Default) Automatic signaling remains in effect for all object definition changes. 

    To send the disabled signals manually, use the arsignal program (See arsignal.exe or arsignal.)
The Disable ARSignals field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag indicating whether to audit all records (T ), or to audit only those records whose field values have changed (F, the default).

The Disable Audit Only Changed Fields field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)
Disable-Client-Operation  2

Option that restricts time-consuming operations (such as reporting) during busy times, improving overall performance. The syntax is

Disable-Client-Operation:  <tagNumberToDisable> [[<startTime>]-[<stopTime>]] [<groupIDList>]
  • The tag number identifies the client whose operations are restricted. It is defined in the ar.h file. See the list at the end of this description.
  • (Optional) To specify start and stop times for the restriction, enter them in 24-hour format (hh:mm ). The times are include times. For example, 00:00-13:59 disables the operations from midnight until 1:59 P.M. 

    If you do not specify a start or stop time, the syntax looks like this: Disable-Client-Operation: 2 18:00- 10
    To disable operations from midnight until 6:00 A.M., enter this: Disable-Client-Operation: 2 -6:00 10
    If no start and stop times are specified, the operations are disabled all the time.
  • (Optional) The groupIDList is a list of groups whose users can run the operations during the specified time period. For example, you can allow only the administrator to run reports during busy hours. Enter none, one, or multiple group IDs delimited by spaces. For example, to exempt group 10, enter this: Disable-Client-Operation: 1 13:00-17:59 10
    If no groups are specified, all users are barred from running the operations during the specified time period. You can enter multiple Disable-Client-Operation lines. For more information on the list of Client types, see List of Client Type ID.



Flag indicating whether escalations are allowed on the server.

Valid values: T and F (default).

If the Server Group Member check box is selected, this option is ignored. Server groups can be configured in the BMC Remedy AR System Server Group Operation Ranking form to make sure that only one server performs the operation. (See Configuring server groups.)

The Disable Escalations   field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag indicating whether Unicode servers can refuse requests from non-Unicode clients (for example, not Mid Tier 7.0.00). This option does not affect non-Unicode servers. Valid values:

  • T — Unicode servers refuse requests from non-Unicode clients.
  • F — (Default) Unicode and non-Unicode clients can contact Unicode servers.
The Disallow Non Unicode Clients field on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting administrative options.)

Flag that prevents unauthorized users from using User Cache commands. Valid values:

  • T — The arcache utility is disabled for the AR System server.
  • F — (Default) Cache utilities are enabled.

Flag that indicates whether the dispatcher logging is enabled. Valid value is location to the log file.

To add the parameter, perform the following steps:

  1. In a browser, open the BMC Remedy AR System Administration Console, and click System > General > Centralized Configuration.
  2. In the AR System Configuration Generic UI form, from the Component Name list,
    select com.bmc.arsys.server > <servername>.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the name of the setting that you want to add and its value.
    For example, Dispatch-Log-File and the location to the log file.
  5. Click Apply and Close.
  6. To invoke this setting, restart arserver, or stop the dispatcher process.
    The armonitor restarts the dispatcher logging and locates the log file on the specified location.

Flag indicating whether to display a message when user authentication fails. Valid values:

  • T— (Default) A generic message is displayed for user name and password errors:
    • ARERR 623 Authentication failed
    • ARERR 9388 Authentication failed
  • F— Each authentication error displays a different message:
    • ARERR 624 User account locked out due to too many bad password attempts
    • ARERR 9381 No such user is registered with this server
    • ARERR 9382 Invalid password or authentication string for existing user

This parameter can be used in conjunction with Max-Password-Attempts. (See ar.cfg or ar.conf options E-M.)

Distrib-Log-FileFull path name of the file to use if DSO server logging is on (See Debug-mode). 

The BMC Remedy AR System server to use for the DSO server. By default, the DSO server runs in queues like any other user.

Obsolete. (See Assigning an RPC program number to DSO.)

Domain-Name 2New domain name portion of the fully qualified server name. By default, a server determines the domain name from the network interface. In rare cases, this method does not produce the desired result because of unexpected network card configurations. In those cases, you can use this option to override the domain name derived from the network interface. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Cache-Check-Interval

Number of seconds between occurrences of these operations:

  • DSO checks for changes to the source and target forms
  • Updates of cached DSO mapping information 

    By default, this option is set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). The maximum value is 43200 seconds (12 hours).
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Error-Retry-Option

DSO server retry behavior after an error:

  • 0 — (Default) Retry after standard connection and transmission errors.
  • 1 — Never retry after any error.
  • 2 — Retry after every error.
  • 3 — Retry after standard connection and transmission errors and after database errors.
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Host-Name 2Name to use for the From (source) server in distributed mappings. This setting enables you to use an alias for the From server in distributed operations. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Local-RPC-Socket

RPC program number that DSO uses. This setting is optional.


The DSO Local RPC Program Number field in the DSO Server area on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting server passwords, RPC options, and plug-in timeouts.)
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Log-Level

Level of logging for all DSO logs (ardist.logardist.log.defaultardist. poolName.log, and ardist.log. poolName ):

  • 0 — Logs only errors. Includes contextual information.
  • 1 — Logs errors and warnings. Includes contextual information.
  • 2 — Logs errors, warnings, and other information to provide a step-by-step record of DSO activities.

(See BMC Remedy Distributed Server Option logging and Setting log files options.)

(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Log-Max-Backup-Index 2Number of indexed backup files saved for each DSO Java log file. If you do not specify a value for this option, 5 indexed backups are saved for each DSO Java log file. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Main-Thread-Polling-IntervalInterval at which the DSO server queries the distributed pending queue for pending distributed items. Enter any integer from 0(no polling) to 3600 seconds (1 hour). 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Mark-Pending-Retry-Flag

Flag indicating whether to set the status of items in the DSO distributed pending queue to Retry after an attempt to perform the associated operation fails. (Failure must be due to a recoverable error. Items that fail because of nonrecoverable errors are removed from the queue.) Valid values:

  • T — (Default) Does not set the status to Retry. Instead, the status remains set to New. Depending on the number of pending items that the DSO server processes, this setting might improve the server's performance.
  • F — Sets the status to Retry. Use this to differentiate items in the queue that have never been processed (status = New) from items that were processed but failed because of recoverable errors (status = Retry). 
    Note: Regardless of this option's value, the pending item is retried based on its retry configuration.
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Max-Pending-Records-Per-QueryMaximum number of records in the Distributed Pending form that DSO reads in a single database query. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is unlimited. If no value is specified, the default is 1000. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Merge-DupID-Overwrite 2

The way the DSO server behaves when it finds a duplicate request ID on the target server. Valid values:

  • T — Updates mapped fields and sets unmapped fields to NULL.
  • F — (Default) Updates only the mapped fields on the target request.
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Placeholder-ModeMode that disables the DSO server installed on the same host as the AR System server. Use this when setting up a DSO server outside a firewall to support an AR System server running behind a firewall. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Polling-IntervalInterval (in seconds) at which the DSO server checks the distributed pending queue for pending distributed items. This is used as a backup when no signals are received from workflow. The value can be any integer between 15 and 7200. By default, the backup polling interval is disabled. 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Source-Server

The AR System server for a DSO server to support when that AR System server is different from the one installed with the DSO server. Use this when setting up a DSO server outside a firewall to support an AR System server running behind a firewall.

Note: Use this entry to configure DSO for load balancing.

(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Supress-No-Such-Entry-For-Delete

Flag indicating whether to log AR System server error 302 (entry does not exist in database) in the*arerror.log* file when performing distributed delete operations. Valid values:

  • T — Do not log ARERR 302 during distributed deletes.
  • F — (Default) Log ARERR 302 during distributed deletes except when the DSO-Error-Retry-Option is set to 2 (retry after every error). 

    Note: When this option is set to T, errors caused by valid problems might also be omitted from the log.
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Target-Connection

Information for the target BMC Remedy AR System server. Use this format:DSO-Target-Connection:serverName:RPCNumber portNumber

The Target connection settings tables field in the DSO Server area on the Configuration tab of the AR System Administration: Server Information form. (See Setting server passwords, RPC options, and plug-in timeouts.)
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Target-PasswordPassword used to access the target BMC Remedy AR System server through the DSO server. Use this format:DSO-Target-Password: serverName:encryptedPassword 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-Timeout-NormalTimeout (in seconds) that the DSO server applies during communication with the AR System server. Enter an integer between60 (1 minute) and 21600 (6 hours). If no value is specified, the system uses the default timeout (120 seconds). 
(For On-premises deployments only) DSO-User-PasswordPassword for the local DSO server user. 
1. Options you can view (but not set) using the AR System Administration: Server Information form. 2. Options you cannot set or view using the AR System Administration: Server Information form.
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