This documentation supports the 20.02 version of BMC CMDB.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

CMDB Web Services API functions

This section provides reference information about the BMC CMDB web services API operations.  The BMC CMDB web services operations are categorized by the type of functions they perform as listed in the following table.

List of functions categorized by type

Function type

Function list

Audit operations

The audit operations enable you to retrieve information about changes to relationship and CI classes in BMC CMDB.

Business object operations

Business Objects are an abstraction of a business entity (such as a service offering, contract, or organization) that models service-model information in a familiar way. A business object corresponds to BMC CMDB Common Data Model (CDM) classes. Because one business object can encapsulate multiple CDM classes and relationships, business objects hide the complexity of the relationships between related CDM classes.

Business object operations (Deprecated)


These operations are deprecated but still supported. For the new business objection operations, see "Business object operations".

Business Objects are an abstraction of a business entity (such as a service offering, contract, or organization) that models service-model information in a familiar way. A business object corresponds to BMC CMDB Common Data Model (CDM) classes. Because one business object can encapsulate multiple CDM classes and relationships, business objects hide the complexity of the relationships between related CDM classes.

Class operations

The class operations enable you to work with relationship and CI classes in BMC CMDB.

Classic federation operations

Classic federation operations see the operations as defined in the atrium_classicfederation_200901.wsdl file and are used to link external data stores to your BMC CMDB.

Classic reconciliation operations

Classic reconciliation operations see the operations as defined in the atrium_classicreconcilliation_200901.wsdl file and help you perform tasks associated with reconciliation of your BMC CMDB.

CMDBf configuration operations

The CMDBf configuration operations enable you to set up a federated CMDB for queries.

Dataset operations

The dataset operations enable you to work with the datasets in BMC CMDB.

Graph walk operations
Use a graph walk to retrieve CI and relationship instances when you do not know the exact relationship path to follow, for example, to view all of the dependencies for an instance of a computer system. To successfully retrieve instances using a graph walk, you need to first specify the start node using BeginGraphWalk, and then loop until you retrieve all of the rows that match the query. Chunking occurs when the maxRetrieve parameter has a value greater than 0. Otherwise, the query returns all the nodes in the first call. For example, if the query retrieves 500 rows of data and the maxRetrieve parameter is set to 100, the operation will return 100 nodes in the first call, then 100 nodes in the next call, and so on until all data has been returned.

Instance data operations
The instance data operations act on CI or relationship class instances.

Normalization operations
Use normalization operations to help with the normalization of your data to minimize duplication of information and to help reduce data anomalies.

Query by Path operations
The query operations allow you to build a list of query objects with qualifications. Queries of BMC CMDB classes can range from simple to complex, and is related to how the data is represented in your data model. The complexity increases with the number of classes and relationships that are required to represent the data. For example, a query about computers and one other class is simpler than a query about computers and two or more classes with multiple relationships. The complexity also depends on whether the information is directly represented or whether it must be inferred by a chain of associations or negative sets. For example, you might build a query to find all computers in the payroll division of your company. This query must examine CI and relationship instances in three data-model classes. The query then looks for computers in the BMC_ComputerSystem class, and then uses the BMC_MemberOfCollection relationship class to associate computers to an organization. The query finds details about the payroll division in the BMC_Organization class. For example, you might query for all computers running Solaris and with patch 123. The query must examine the BMC_ComputerSystem class for a list of computers. The query then uses the BMC_HostedSystemComponent relationship class to find the associated operating systems. The query examines the BMC_Patch class to locate the specified patch, and uses the BMC_HostedSystemComponents relationship class to associate computers with their installed patches.

Query operations


These operations are deprecated.

The query operations allow you to build a list of query objects with qualifications. Queries of BMC CMDB classes can range from simple to complex, and is related to how the data is represented in your data model. The complexity increases with the number of classes and relationships that are required to represent the data. For example, a query about computers and one other class is simpler than a query about computers and two or more classes with multiple relationships. The complexity also depends on whether the information is directly represented or whether it must be inferred by a chain of associations or negative sets. For example, you might build a query to find all computers in the payroll division of your company. This query must examine CI and relationship instances in three data-model classes. The query then looks for computers in the BMC_ComputerSystem class, and then uses the BMC_MemberOfCollection relationship class to associate computers to an organization. The query finds details about the payroll division in the BMC_Organization class. For example, you might query for all computers running Solaris and with patch 123. The query must examine the BMC_ComputerSystem class for a list of computers. The query then uses the BMC_HostedSystemComponent relationship class to find the associated operating systems. The query examines the BMC_Patch class to locate the specified patch, and uses the BMC_HostedSystemComponents relationship class to associate computers with their installed patches.

Graph query operations
The graph query operations allow you to build a list of graph query objects with qualifications. Queries of BMC CMDB classes can range from simple to complex, and is related to how the data is represented in your data model.

Federated CMDB query operations
The federated CMDB graph query operation allows you to build a list of graph query objects with qualifications. Queries of BMC CMDB classes can range from simple to complex, and is related to how the data is represented in your data model.

Service configuration operations
The service configuration operations are used to configure your BMC CMDB web services. The values you set using these operations are used by the Web Service Registry Java API and sample scripts when they are executed.

Service impact operation
The service impact operations allow you to work with service impact simulations.

Service utility operations
The service utility operations allow you to manipulate and retrieve information about your BMC CMDB web services.

Version operation
The version operation allows you to verify the version of BMC CMDB web services.

For information about the endpoints in the web services API, see Endpoints in the web services API.

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