This documentation supports the 19.11 version of BMC CMDB, which is available only to BMC Helix subscribers (SaaS).

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

CMDB Impact Simulator performance best practices

Consider the following best practices to improve the performance of CMDB Impact Simulator plugin.

Tune the AR plugin server for optimum memory consumption

Impact Simulator is a plugin that runs on Atrium shared plugin server and shares the plugin server resources with other plugins. The Impact Simulator application simulates the impact and stores the results in memory. The memory that Impact Simulator application consumes to store the simulation adds to the memory that the Impact Simulator plugin consumes for its functioning. To improve the performance of the Impact Simulator plugin, you must tune the AR plugin server itself. For more information on configuring the AR plugin server to increase the allocated memory, see Setting plugin server configuration options.

Configure CCS settings for improved speed

You can configure the Time for SIM Cache Removal parameter in the CCS configuration so that there is a balance between the memory consumed by Impact Simulator and the time for which the simulation is retained in memory. Time for SIM Cache Removal defines the time in minutes for which the simulation will remain in the memory after using the simulation has been used. The default setting is 60 minutes (one hour), which means that simulations coming from change management are stored in memory cache for one hour and will consume memory in AR plugin server. If you reduce this value, the simulation will be retained for a shorter time and will consequently consume lesser memory.  

Other factors affecting BMC Impact Simulator performance

The following factors impact the speed of Impact Simulator in showing results on the CMDB Explorer.



Database (DB)

Analyze database settings if an impact simulation is slow to show results.

To fetch the model of the input CI, BMC Impact Simulator triggers a GraphWalk API call to the CMDB. The API call has to traverse the complete CI, relationship, or CI model to find all the impacted CIs, and the impacted CIs of those CIs. The GraphWalk API triggers multiple SQL calls. The time that this API call takes to fetch results from the CMDB Engine depends on the database cache settings, threads, processing power, and indexing.

BMC Remedy AR System Server

BMC Remedy AR System Server is central to plugins, CMDB, and database communication. If the BMC Remedy AR System Server is busy performing other tasks, the Impact Simulator API call is kept in queue. Hence, even if the performance of the database is good, the performance of the Impact Simulator can get affected due to AR System Server.

Use the AR log analyzer to find out the API or SQL call that is causing delays.

BMC Remedy Mid Tier

BMC Remedy Mid Tier may cause a delay in displaying the results on the Explorer. This is because Mid Tier needs to fetch the CIs and then draw all the results coming from BMC Remedy AR System Server.

Local browserEven if there is no delay in BMC Remedy Mid Tier or BMC Remedy AR System Server fetching the results of the simulation, a delay could occur due to the local browser. This issue is rare, but sometimes observed due to VPN connections to the BMC Remedy Mid Tier where the browser is far away from the BMC Remedy Mid Tier and the network is not fluid between them.

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