Configuring the FTP adapter

In addition to targets defined in the adapter configuration, the FTP adapter can have a dynamic target defined in each adapter request. If a dynamic target is always defined in the FTP adapter request, a configuration node, <config/> is used in the adapter configuration.

BMC recommends that you do not include unused elements in the adapter configuration because they might cause errors.

Adapter type: ro-adapter-ftp_vv.rr.nn

Default adapter name: FTPActorAdapter

To configure the FTP adapter, see Configuring base adapters.

The following table describes the adapter configuration elements for the FTP adapter that you can specify by using the form view, XML view, or both. You cannot use the form view to configure elements and attributes that do not have an entry in the "UI label" column.

Configuration node elements for the FTP adapter

UI label






Specifies the host name or the IP address of the remote host


You can specify an IPv6 address with a zone ID for the <target> element—for example, <target>fe80::5097:4c5e:2289:76dd%10</target>.
To find the zone ID of the required computer, see Zone ID for an IPv6 address.




Specifies the port on which the remote host listens

Default value: 21


User Name


Specifies the user name to be used for remote host authentication




Specifies the password that corresponds to the <user-name>

The <password> element can contain an encryption-type attribute.


Encryption Type


Indicates whether the password specified is encrypted; is an attribute of the <password> element, not an element itself

Valid values: Base64, Plain (default)


Timeout Secs


The time, in seconds, to wait for the expected prompt to be returned

If the expected prompt is not returned before the specified period has elapsed, an error message is returned.

Default value: 60


Character Set


Specifies the supporting CharSet

CharSet is also called Character Set that includes identifiers describing a series of universal characters.

Default value: ISO-8859-2


The following figure shows an XML template of the FTP adapter configuration.

XML template of the FTP adapter configuration

 <config name="host1">
   <password encryption-type=""></password>
 <config name="host2">
   <password encryption-type=""></password>

The following figure shows an XML sample of the FTP adapter configuration.

XML sample of the FTP adapter configuration

<config name="dev4">
  <password encryption-type="BASE64">password</password>
<config name="dev3">
  <password encryption-type="BaSE64">password</password>

The following figure shows an XML sample of the FTP adapter configuration with the Charset element.

XML sample of the FTP adapter configuration with Charset element

  <password encryption-type="Plain">pass</password>

Enabling custom logging

To enable custom logging for the adapter, you must specify a log file name. You can also provide additional parameters for logging.


You must be using TrueSight Orchestration version 8.1 or later to use the custom logging feature. These parameters will be ignored in earlier versions of TrueSight Orchestration Platform.

These parameters are available with supported adapter versions. See TrueSight Orchestration Content documentation for details.

  • Log File Name: Provide a name for the log file.
    This file will be stored in the AO_HOME/tomcat/logs directory. If Log File Max Backup Index value is greater than 0, the log file name is suffixed with the backup index. For example, if the parameter value is a.log, backup log files will have names, such as a.log.1, a.log.2.
  • Log File Size: Specify a size limit for the log file. 
    If the value specified for Log File Max Backup Index is greater than 0, when the specified size is reached, the current file is renamed with the suffix .1. Otherwise, the log file will be reset and over-written. The default value is 10MB. The available units are KiloBytes (KB), MegaBytes (MB) or GigaBytes (GB).
  • Log File Max Backup Index: Enter the maximum number of backup files allowed. The default value is 10.
  • Log File Append: Select this option to append new log information to the existing information in the file. If unselected, the file will be overwritten with new log information.
  • Log Level: Enter the logging level using one of the following choices:

    Logging level



    The most detailed logging level; logs low-level messages, normal execution, recoverable erroneous conditions, and unrecoverable erroneous conditions



    Logs normal execution, recoverable erroneous conditions, and unrecoverable erroneous conditions


    Logs recoverable erroneous conditions and unrecoverable erroneous conditions


    The least detailed logging level; logs only error conditions that are not usually recoverable

Encrypting an element's contents

You can add the attribute secure="true" to an XML adapter element XML view to ensure that the element's contents is encrypted when displayed.


You must be using TrueSight Orchestration Platform version 8.1 or later to use this encryption attribute.

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