Configuring modules in the Event Orchestration runbook

If you choose not to configure the modules during installation, you must activate them on the Grid Manager after the installation is complete. The adapters, modules, and the workflows installed with the runbook constitute the runbook framework and logic. 

Activate modules 

Activating a module deploys it to the grid and triggers the schedules established for the processes contained in that module. Peers begin executing workflows according to the schedules defined in the activated modules. When you activate modules, you specify the version and revision of the module to be activated. Only one version and revision of a module can be active at a time.

  1. On the Grid Manager, click the Manage tab and then click the Modules tab.
  2. From the Modules in Repository list, select the following modules required for the out-of-the-box use cases and click Activate
    • AMP-AD-BMC-Remedy-ARS
    • AutoPilot-AD-Utilities
    • AutoPilot-OA-Applications_Utilities
    • AutoPilot-OA-BAOGridManagement
    • AutoPilot-OA-Common_Utilities
    • AutoPilot-OA-Credentials_Store
    • AutoPilot-OA-Errors
    • AutoPilot-OA-Event_Orchestration
    • AutoPilot-OA-File_Utilities
    • AutoPilot-OA-ITSM_Automation
    • AutoPilot-OA-Network_Utilities
    • BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration
    • BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Configuration
    • BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Host_Down
    • BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down
    These modules are activated on the grid. 

Configure BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Configuration module

The BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Configuration module contains data for the event management tool and ITSM system. For the out-of-the-box event types, you must configure the connection details for the endpoint systems.

  1. On the Grid Manager, click Manage > Modules and click the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Configuration module.
  2. Expand the configuration tree until you can navigate to the configuration item that you want to modify.
  3. Click the configuration item that you want to modify, edit the value, and click OK to save changes.

  4. After successfully configuring the module, click the Modules tab and from the Modules in Repository list, select the module and click Activate. Module with the updated changes is successfully activated on the grid. 

Use this section to understand the module configuration items and the configuration items that you must update to use the runbook. Refer to the Update required column to understand whether to update the values. 

General configuration items

Contains configuration items for specifying the event source and the ITSM system. 

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Valid values
EventSourceTypeSpecifies the name of the event management tool from which the event is generated.No


ITSMTypeSpecifies the ITSM application to be used to create incidents, change, or tasks for an event.No


Specifics > Adapters configuration items

Specifies the adapter names for the adapters configured and enabled on the TrueSight Orchestration grid. 


Ensure that the adapter name matches the name that you specify while configuring the adapter.

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?

Contains mappings to map adapter invocation mechanism (used by AD Utilities and Common Utilities workflows) to adapter names.

This enables change in adapter names but no need to change workflow logic, in dependent modules like Credentials Store.

   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="rest">RESTAdapter</adapter-name>
   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="itsm">ITSMActorAdapter</adapter-name>
   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="windows-command">WindowsCommandAdapter</adapter-name>
   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="ssh">SSHAdapter</adapter-name>
   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="itsmwebservice">ITSMWebServiceAdapter</adapter-name>
   <adapter-name invocation-mechanism="command-line">CommandLineAdapter</adapter-name>

Specifies the name of the command line adapter that is used to invoke shell commands on the local server.


Specifies the name of the BMC Remedy AR System actor adapter.

The adapter is used to invoke actions in BMC Remedy AR System.


Specifies the name of the web services adapter.

The adapter is used to invoke SOAP based actions to Remedy AR System for creating and updating change requests. If any action is not supported by the Web Services adapter, the BMC Remedy AR System adapter is used.

RESTAdapterSpecifies the name of the REST adapter used for invoking REST API requests to TrueSight Orchestration and TrueSight Presentation Server targets.Yes
SSHAdapterSpecifies the name of the SSH adapter used to invoke UNIX commands, such as accessing remote UNIX machines to perform remediation actions.Yes
WindowsCommandAdapterSpecifies the name of the Windows Command adapter used to invoke remote Windows commands from a Windows server.Yes

Specifics > BAO configuration items

Specifies the connection details to connect to the TrueSight Orchestration peer. 

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Default values

Specifies the URL to the configuration distribution peer where the modules required for the use case are enabled.

For example, specify the hostname and port of the CDP where you have activated the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down module.

Example: https://hostname:port/baocdp

UsernameSpecifies the username required to log on to the CDP.Yesaoadmin
PasswordSpecifies the password that matches the CDP.Yes

Specifics > BMC_AR_System configuration items

Contains the connection details and default values that get updated in the incident in BMC Remedy ITSM. 

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Default values
WebServiceConnectionDataContains connection data used to invoke SOAP requests to AR Server via the mid-tier
Change_CreateInterfaceSpecifies the ITSM form name used to create change and tasks in BMC Remedy ITSM.NoCHG_ChangeServiceInterface
Change_CreateSOAPActionSpecifies the SOAP action URI used to create in Change management management applicationNourn:CHG_ChangeServiceInterface/
Change_GetSOAPActionSpecifies the ITSM form name used to retrieve change and task tickets information from Remedy ITSMNoCHG_ChangeOutboundInterface
Incident_CreateInterfaceSpecifies the ITSM form name used to create incident tickets in Remedy ITSMNoHPD_IncidentServiceInterface
Incident_UpdateInterfaceSpecifies the ITSM form name used to update incidents in Remedy ITSMNoHPD_IncidentServiceInterface

Specifies the URL used to access AR Server's SOAP endpoint via the mid-tier application.


UsernameSpecifies the username required to log on to the URL.YesOrchestrator
PasswordSpecifies the password that matches the username, in a secure format.Yes
Change Management DefaultsContains default values used while interacting with BMC Remedy ITSM's Change Management application
ReportedSourceSpecifies the value that appears in the Reported source field for a change request in BMC Remedy ITSM.NoOther
IncidentManagementDefaultsContains default values used in the incidents created in BMC Remedy Incident Management
AssignedGroupSpecifies the default value for the Assigned Group field when an incident is created.YesService Desk
AssignedSupportCompanySpecifies the default value for the Contact Company field when an incident is created.YesCalbro Services

Specifies the default value for the Support Organization field when an incident is created.

YesIT Support
AssigneeSpecifies the default value for the Contact Company field when an incident is created.YesAllen Allbrook

Specifies the impact to be assigned when an incident is created.


Specifies the status to be assigned when an incident is created.


Specifies the service type to be assigned when an incident is created.

NoInfrastructure Event

Specifies the urgency to be assigned when an incident is created.

EventIncidentAssociationMaxPollCountSpecifies the default value for the Event Incident Association Max Poll Count fieldNo3
EventIncidentAssociationPollIntervalSecsSpecifies the default value for the Event Incident Association Poll Interval Secs fieldNo30
EventSourceIntegrationEnabledSpecifies the default value for the Event Source Integration Enabled fieldNotrue
IncidentTypeSpecifies the type of incident to be created in BMC Remedy ITSM for an event.NoInfrastructure Event

Specifies the reported source of the event when an incident is created.

NoEvent Orchestration

Specifies the status reason to be assigned when an incident is created.

NoInfrastructure Change
WorkInfoLockedSpecifies the default value to be added to the workInfo source to be assigned when an incident is created.NoNo
WorkInfoSourceSpecifies the default value for the WorkInfoSource to be assigned when an incident is created.NoBMC TrueSight Event
WorkInfoTypeSpecifies the default value for the WorkInfoType to be assigned when an incident is created.NoGeneral Information
WorkInfoViewAccessSpecifies the default value to be added to the WorkInfoViewAccess field of the incidents WorkInfo record when a WorkInfo is created.NoPublic

Contains enumerations defined in BMC Remedy ITSM server.

If your environment requires customizations, you may update the values.

<mappings />
  <mapping name="New" type="string">0</mapping>
  <mapping name="Assigned" type="string">1</mapping>
  <mapping name="In Progress" type="string">2</mapping>
  <mapping name="Pending" type="string">3</mapping>
  <mapping name="Resolved" type="string">4</mapping>
  <mapping name="Closed" type="string">5</mapping>
  <mapping name="Cancelled" type="string">6</mapping>
  <mapping name="Infrastructure Change Created" type="string">1000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Local Site Action Required" type="string">2000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Purchase Order Approval" type="string">3000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Registration Approval" type="string">4000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Supplier Delivery" type="string">5000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Support Contact Hold" type="string">6000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Third Party Vendor Action Reqd" type="string">7000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Client Action Required" type="string">8000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Infrastructure Change" type="string">9000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Request" type="string">10000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Future Enhancement" type="string">11000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Pending Original Incident" type="string">12000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Client Hold" type="string">13000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Monitoring Incident" type="string">14000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Customer Follow-Up Required" type="string">15000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Temporary Corrective Action" type="string">16000</mapping>
  <mapping name="No Further Action Required" type="string">17000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Resolved by Original Incident" type="string">18000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Automated Resolution Reported" type="string">19000</mapping>
  <mapping name="No longer a Causal CI" type="string">20000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Pending Causal Incident Resolution" type="string">21000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Resolved by Causal Incident" type="string">22000</mapping>
  <mapping key="Critical">1-Critical</mapping>
  <mapping key="High">2-High</mapping>
  <mapping key="Medium">3-Medium</mapping>
  <mapping key="Low">4-Low</mapping>
  <mapping name="Yes" type="string">0</mapping>
  <mapping name="No" type="string">1</mapping>
  <mapping name="Customer Communication" type="string" version="default">2000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Customer Follow-up" type="string" version="default">3000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Customer Status Update" type="string" version="default">4000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Closure Follow Up" type="string" version="default">6000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Detail Clarification" type="string" version="default">7000</mapping>
  <mapping name="General Information" type="string" version="default">8000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Resolution Communications" type="string" version="default">9000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Satisfaction Survey" type="string" version="default">10000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Status Update" type="string" version="default">11000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Incident Task / Action" type="string" version="default">13000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Problem Script" type="string" version="default">14000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Working Log" type="string" version="default">15000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Email System" type="string" version="default">16000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Paging System" type="string" version="default">17000</mapping>
  <mapping name="BMC Impact Manager Update" type="string" version="default">18000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Chat" type="string" version="default">35000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Vendor Communication" type="string">37000</mapping>
  <mapping name="Internal" type="string">0</mapping>
  <mapping name="Public" type="string">1</mapping>
ITSMLocaleLanguageSpecifies the Locale Language of the Event Source TypeNodefault
ITSMLocaleCountrySpecifies the Locale Country of the Event Source Type.Nodefault

Specifies the timezone (standard Java timezones) where ITSM application is running.

This field is used to determine the EPOCH time. EPOCH time is used queries to retrieve approved tasks by scheduled dates.

For example, Asia/Kolkata or Europe/Paris.


Specifics > BMC_TrueSight configuration items

Contains the connection details and mappings for TrueSight Presentation Server. 

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Default values
EventSourceDefaults> IncidentIntegrationEnabled

Specifies whether Business Service Resolution is implemented at the event source.

Valid values: true (default), false

If true, it is assumed that BMC Service Resolution integration is enabled at the event source, and TrueSight Infrastructure Management is creating incidents for events and TrueSight Orchestration does not create or update incidents.

If false, BMC Service Resolution is not integrated.

Custom; specify false if not using BMC Service Resolution to create incidents


EventTypesContains configuration information related to all supported event types (Only Host Down and Service Down supported out-of-the-box)
HostDown > Configurations

Contains the configuration for the Host Down use case.

An event type can support more than one configuration based on the type of actions.

Each configuration has the following parameters:

  • <id>: Unique number for each configuration within a given event type. The ID value is concatenated with event source type (for example: BMC_TrueSight) and event type to form a unique action ID string. For example: BMC_TrueSight-HostDown-1
  • <action-name>: Specifies the action name. The action name is shown in the Launch Orchestration Actions menu in the TrueSight console.
    Default value: Check Host Connection
  • <incident-enabled>: Specifies whether to create an incident for the specified event type. By default, false.


    If true, the runbook verifies whether an incident is created for an event (by using BMC Service Resolution) and if not created, TrueSight Orchestration creates an incident for the event in BMC Remedy Incident Management system.

  • <change-enabled>: Specifies whether to create a change for the specified event type. By default, false.
  • <remediation-enabled>: Specifies whether to execute remediation action for this event type. By default, false.
  • <change-type/>: Change type determines if approval is required for task to be performed. Valid values: normal, emergency.
Custom; required if customizing for your requirements
    <action-name>Check Host Connection</action-name>
    <change-template-name />
    <change-type />
HostDown > ModuleName

Specifies the module name that contains the workflow processes for the Host Down event.

No :BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Host_Down
ServiceDown > Configurations

Contains the configurations for the out-of-the-box service down use case.

Each configuration has the following parameters:

  • <id>: Unique number for each configuration within a given event type. The ID value is concatenated with event source type (for example: BMC_TrueSight) and event type to form a unique action ID string. For example: BMC_TrueSight-ServiceDown-1
  • <action-name>: Specifies the action name. The action name is shown in the Launch Orchestration Actions menu in the TrueSight console.
    Default value: Restart Service
  • <incident-enabled>: Specifies whether to create an incident for the specified event type. By default, false.


    If true, the runbook verifies whether an incident is created for an event (by using BMC Service Resolution) and if not created, TrueSight Orchestration creates an incident for the event in BMC Remedy Incident Management system.

  • <change-enabled>: Specifies whether to create a change for the specified event type. By default, false.
  • <remediation-enabled>: Specifies whether to execute remediation for this action. By default, false.


    If true, the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down module must contain the Perform Triage, Perform Remediation, and Perform Validation workflows.

  • <change-type/>: Change type determines if approval is required for task to be performed. Valid values: normal, emergency.
Custom; required if customizing for your requirements
    <action-name>Restart Service</action-name>
    <change-template-name />
    <change-type />
ServiceDown > ModuleNameSpecifies the module name that contains the workflow processes for the Service Down event.Custom; required if customizing for your requirements :BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down
MappingsUsed to convert input event data into common event model

Contains the mappings used to convert the event data into a common event model.

  <!-- metadata -->
    <destination class="metaData">eventModelVersion</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">eventClass</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">eventId</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">status</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">reportTime</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">eventToCIAssociationType</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">timeout</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">notes</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">propagationHistory</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">relationSource</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">owner</destination>
    <destination class="metaData">account</destination>
  <!-- source / reporter data -->
    <destination class="sourceData">resourceId</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">resourceId</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">reconciliationId</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">alias</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentHost</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentHostAddress</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">location</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentURI</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentCaption</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentType</destination>
    <destination class="sourceData">componentOwner</destination>
  <!-- reporter data -->
    <destination class="reporterData">componentHostAddress</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">componentURI</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">componentCaption</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">componentType</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">eventTime</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">eventType</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">reporterEventId</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">eventSeverity</destination>
    <destination class="reporterData">eventSuggestion</destination>
  <!-- situation data -->
    <destination class="situationData">situationCategory</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">situationSubCategory</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">situationTime</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">priority</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">severity</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">messageSummary</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">service</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">messageDetail</destination>
    <destination class="situationData">repeatCount</destination>
  <!-- metrics data -->
    <destination class="metricsData">metricName</destination>
    <destination class="metricsData">metricValue</destination>
    <destination class="metricsData">metricValueUnit</destination>
    <destination class="metricsData">metricThreshold</destination>
  <!--  extended data is a generic place holder for all unidentified/custom fields -->
    <destination class="extendedData">nameValueList</destination>
WebServiceConnectionDataContains the connections details to connect to TrueSight Presentation Server

Specifies the URL to the TrueSight Presentation Server or a load balancer server, if used.


This will be appended to BASE_URL to create a related event in the TrueSight Presentation Server.

Do not update the values in this field.


This will be appended to BASE_URL to invoke login request with the TrueSight Presentation Server.

Do not update the values in this field.

TenantSpecifies the realm in Remedy SSO used by the TrueSight Presentation Server.Yes*
UsernameSpecifies the username in the TrueSight Presentation Server with super admin privileges and application administration roles.Yes
PasswordSpecifies the password, in an encrypted format, to log on to TSPS.Yes-

Specifics > Defaults configuration items

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Default values
BypassEventNotesUsed to bypass updating event source update.Nofalse


Specifies the default value returned by the logic when required workflow is not foundNoNOT_FOUND
RunSchedulesUsed to turn of polling for task tickets. Used for debug purposes only.Notrue
SupportedActionsDelimiterUsed to form action ID string used by TrueSight Presentation ServerNo-


Default timeout, in seconds, for REST adapter connection timeout and socket connection timeout.Custom; update if the request takes longer to complete900

Specifics > Workflow Definitions configuration items

Config itemDescriptionUpdate required?Default values
CommonWorkflowsContains the names of the workflows invoked when using the REST API requestsNo
  <workflow action="PerformRemediationOnTaskApproval">:BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration:Remediate:Perform Remediation on Task Approval</workflow>

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Configure AutoPilot-OA-Credentials_Store module

The Credentials Store module contains encrypted passwords for all target servers. Credentials for TrueSight Orchestration, TrueSight Presentation Server, and BMC Remedy IT Service Management are stored in the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Configuration module. Assuming that in an organization, each component type (OS type) can have its own set of credentials, definitions for storing UNIX and Windows Credentials are provided in the module out-of-the-box.

  1. On the Grid Manager, click Manage > Modules and click the AutoPilot-OA-Credentials_Store module.
  2. Expand the configuration tree until you can navigate to the configuration item that you want to modify.
  3. Click the configuration item that you want to modify, edit the value, and click OK to save changes.

  4. After successfully configuring the module, click the Modules tab and from the Modules in Repository list, select the module and click Activate. Module with the updated changes is successfully activated on the grid. 

Use this section to understand the module configuration items and the configuration items that you must update to use the runbook. 

Configuration itemDescriptionUpdate required?
Event Orchestration > Credentials

Stores the credentials for the operating systems.

  • WindowsCredentials: Specify the password for hosts using Windows operating system, in a secure manner.
  • UnixCredentials: Specify the password for hosts using Unix operating system, in a secure manner.


Contains the mappings for target host systems to operating systems for the out-of-box service down and host down use cases in an XML format.

  <!-- Related to Service Down Use Case -->
  <component-type name="NT_SERVICES">windows</component-type>
  <component-type name="NUK_Process">unix</component-type>
  <!-- Related to Host Down Use Case -->
  <component-type name="NT_REMOTE_HOST">windows</component-type>
  <component-type name="NUK_LINUX_REMOTE_HOSTS">unix</component-type>
Conditional; required if adding a custom use case
Event Orchestration > InfrastructureMappings

Contains the mappings between targets and credentials in an XML format. In addition, the mappings contain the settings for adapter invocation mechanism and the options to be passed to the adapter request and the command options.

    <datacenter name="default">
        <domain name="*">
          <component type="patrol" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="patrol" name="hostname">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="u1">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="windows" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="windows" name="hostname">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="hostname">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="hostname">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="database" name="oradb1">
            <url />
        <domain name="">
          <component type="patrol" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="patrol" name="">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="windows" name="*">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="windows" name="">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="unix" name="">
            <adapter-options />
            <command-options />
          <component type="database" name="oradb1">
            <url />

You can update the Infrastructure Mappings based on your requirement. Infrastructure Mappings include information for the following elements:

  • <datacenters>: Specifies the root node that contains information about one or more data centers. Includes the <datacenter> element, which contains all the information related to a datacenter. If more than one exists, then, they are distinguished using name attribute.

    <datacenter name="default">
  • <domains>: Contains the <domain> child elements for specifying more than one domain. Out-of-the-box, a "*" domain is specified.
    • <domain name= "*">: Specifies the domain name where the event occurs. If no domain information is available in the event, a default domain named "*" is used.
    • <domain name= "">: Specifies a placeholder for a domain in your environment.


      If event data and target host information does not contain information related to a domain, then, an attempt will be made to extract component information from the default "*" domain.

    • <component>: Contains mapping information for a target. Component can have two attributes:
      type: Specifies the component type, whether it is a windows host or a Unix host.
      name: Specifies the name of the host. If host name is not known, specify "*".

      Example: <component type="windows" name="*">

      <component> contains the following child elements:

      • <username>: Specifies the username required to log on to the component.
      • <password>: Specifies the password that matches the username.
      • <invocation-mechanism>: Specifies the ways to invoke workflows. For example, if the component is a Windows computer, you can use windows-command as the invocation mechanism. The Command Line adapter is used. For Unix, the SSH adapter is used to invoke the workflows.
      • <ping-mechanism>: Specifies the mechanism to perform typical ping operations. Typically, a ping command can be performed from the local peer by using a command line adapter. 
      • <adapter-options>: Contains a comma-separated list of options to be passed to the adapter based on the adapter invocation mechanism. For example: use-ssl=true, use-unsigned-certificates=true.
      • <command-options>: Contains a comma-separated list of options to be passed to the command.

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Configure BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down module

  1. On the Grid Manager, click Manage > Modules and click the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Service_Down module.
  2. Expand the configuration tree until you can navigate to the configuration item that you want to modify.
  3. Click the configuration item that you want to modify, edit the value, and click OK to save changes.

  4. After successfully configuring the module, click the Modules tab and from the Modules in Repository list, select the module and click Activate. Module with the updated changes is successfully activated on the grid. 

Use this table to understand the module configuration items and the configuration items that you must update to use the runbook. 

Configuration itemDescriptionValues
Service_Actions_Aliasing > Aliases

Contains the following elements:

  • <domain>: Contains the domain name for the servers, where the event is generated. Default domain is designated by a "*".  If an event does not contain any information about the domain, the default "*" domain information is used to search for the host specific information.
  • <host>: Each domain can have one or more configuration related to hosts. Default value is "*". If the event contains a host name that does not have a specific section in the configuration, default host, "*" is used. Hosts are categorized by the OS type – Windows or Unix.
  • <commands>: Contains the <command>element, which specifies the commands required for the triage and remediation actions. 
    For the service down event, <commands>contain the command to start or stop a service. While performing triage to determine if a service is running on Windows, sc status <service name> command is used. While performing remediation to start the service, a net start <service name> command is used.

The attribute use-name-string shall be set to false for default services so that service name from the event is used as opposed to '*' while invoking commands.

  <domain name="*">
      <host os-type="windows" name="*">
          <service name="*" use-name-string="false">
              <command>net start</command>
              <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net start</command>
      <host os-type="unix" name="*">
          <service name="repo">
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ start</command>
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ stop -force</command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ stop -force  </command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ start  </command>
          <service name="cdp">
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ start</command>
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ stop -force</command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ stop -force</command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ start</command>
  <domain name="">
      <host os-type="windows" name="*">
          <service name="*" use-name-string="false">
              <command>net start</command>
              <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net start</command>
      <host os-type="windows" name="w1">
          <service name="*" use-name-string="false">
              <command>net start</command>
              <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net stop</command>
                <command>net start</command>
      <host os-type="unix" name="*">
          <service name="repo">
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ start  </command>
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ stop -force  </command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ stop -force  </command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/REPO/bin/ start  </command>
          <service name="cdp">
            <search-string>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/jvm/bin/java</search-string>
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ start</command>
              <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ stop -force</command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ stop -force</command>
                <command>nohup /opt/bmc/BAO/CDP/bin/ start</command>

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Configure BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Host_Down module

To perform ping tasks on remote ping hosts, access is required to login into the ping host machine. This information is obtained from AutoPilot-OA-Credentials_Store module. Host Down use case specific configuration is stored in the module BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Host_Down. The configuration provides information to the use case specific logic from which ping host the accessibility to the target machine is determined. The granularity of control is extended to specific ping host.

  1. On the Grid Manager, click Manage > Modules and click the BMC-SA-Event_Orchestration_Host_Down module.
  2. Expand the configuration tree and go to Configuration > HostDownConfig > PingMappings and update the values as per your requirement and click OK

      <!-- this mapping is used if specific domain related ping mapping is not defined. -->
      <ping-mapping name="*">
        <!-- FQDN of the router host -->
        <router-host component-type="unix">[ROUTER-HOST]</router-host>
        <!-- command to execute including any command line options -->
          <!-- list of hosts used to perform ping operation -->
          <ping-host component-type="unix"></ping-host>
          <ping-host component-type="windows"></ping-host>
  3. After successfully configuring the module, click the Modules tab and from the Modules in Repository list, select the module and click Activate. Module with the updated changes is successfully activated on the grid. 

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Where to go from here

Choose one of the following options:

  • Orchestration actions – Restart Service and Check Host Connection are now available in TrueSight Presentation Server for the out-of-the box use cases, Service Down and Host Down respectively. For more information about using the Orchestration actions for your remediation solutions, see  Using Orchestration actions to enable triage and remediation of events Open link .
  • If you want to start adding new Orchestration actions for custom use cases, see Adding a custom use case to enable Orchestration actions
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