Close Change operation

The Close Change operation closes a change record.

The following table describes the elements of the <items> XML element and the adapter request. If not specified, the valid value for an element is assumed to be a string.

Elements for the <items> XML element and adapter request for the Close Change operation





Specifies the name of the operation: close-change



Contains the other elements in the request



Contains elements that uniquely identify a record

The <keys> element must contain a unique string. The server can choose an auto generated key for the record.



Specifies a unique record

The children of the <instance> element describe the fields of a record.

The only two higher-level elements are <keys> and <instance>. All other elements are child elements of the <instance> element.



Specifies the header information of the change record; is a structure-type element



Specifies the unique ID of a change record that is used as the key to identify the record

You can specify the <change-number> element in the <keys> element or in the <instance> element.

Valid value: Any unique string



Specifies the category of the change record

Note: The behavior of some parameters might change depending on the selected category. For example, Change Coordinator is a required parameter for the Unplanned Change category, but an optional parameter for all other categories.

Valid values:

  • CI group
  • Default
  • Hardware
  • Maintenance
  • Network
  • Release Management
  • Software
  • Subscription
  • Unplanned Change



Specifies the status of a change

Valid values:

  • initial
  • waiting
  • reopened
  • closed

    Note: You must specify initial as the first status for a new change.



Specifies the status of the approval for the change

Valid values:

  • pending
  • approved
  • deny
  • retract



Specifies the name of the person who is requesting the change

Valid value: Any string, or an existing contact record

Conditional; required only if <category> is CI Group


Specifies the name of the person to whom the change is assigned

Valid value: Any string, or an existing contact record



Specifies the assignment group for the change

Valid values: Application, Hardware, Network, Service Desk, Service Manager, Email/Webmail (Africa), Email/Webmail (Asia), Email/Webmail (Australia), Email/Webmail (Europe), Email/Webmail (North America), Email/Webmail (South America), Field Support (Africa), Field Support (Asia), Field Support (Australia), Field Support (North America), Field Support (South America), Intranet/Internet Support (Africa), Intranet/Internet Support (Asia), Intranet/Internet Support (Australia), Intranet/Internet Support (Europe), Intranet/Internet Support (North America), Intranet/Internet Support (South America), Office Supplies (Africa), Office Supplies (Asia), Office Supplies (Australia), Office Supplies (Europe), Office Supplies (North America), Office Supplies (South America), Office Support (Africa), Office Support (Asia), Office Support (Australia), Office Support (Europe), Office Support (North America), Office Support (South America), Operating System Support (Africa), Operating System Support (Asia), Operating System Support (Australia), Operating System Support (North America), Operating System Support (South America), SAP Support (Africa), SAP Support (Asia), SAP Support (Australia), SAP Support (North America), and SAP Support (South America)



Specifies the name of the person coordinating the change

Valid value: Any string, or an existing contact record



Specifies the phone number of the coordinator for the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the planned start date of the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the planned end date for the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00

Note: The <planned-end-date> value must be greater than the <planned-start-date> value.



Specifies the reason for the change

Valid value: Any valid string



Specifies the current phase of the change

The <current-phase> values can be added, updated, and deleted by using the HP Service Manager application.

Valid values:

  • Let the server decide the default phase by not specifying this element.
  • Specify the phase, based on the category of the change record, as follows:
    • CI Group: CIGroupDesign
    • Default: Change Logging
    • Hardware: Change Logging
    • Maintenance: Change Logging
    • Network: Change Logging
    • Release Management: Assess
    • Software: Change Logging
    • Subscription: Subscription Approval
    • Unplanned Change: Discovery Assessment



Specifies the risk assessment for the change

The <risk-assessment> values can be added, updated, and deleted by using the HP Service Manager application.

Valid values:

  • 0: no risk
  • 1: low risk
  • 2: some risk
  • 3: moderate risk
  • 4: high risk
  • 5: very high risk



Specifies the priority of the change as specified by the user who created the ticket

Valid value: Any valid string

Default value: The value specified for the <urgency> element



Specifies the date when the change record was entered into the system

The value of the <date-entered> element is specified by the HP Service Manager application in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format.
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00

You cannot specify your inputs to set the <date-entered> field. However, you can use the <date-entered> field to retrieve a record.



Specifies whether the change record is in an open state

Valid values:

  • true (default): Indicates that the change record is open
  • false: Indicates that the change record is closed

    Note: If you specify an invalid value, it is replaced with the default value.



Specifies the time required to roll back the change, if necessary

Valid value: Any input in the DurationType format
For example, P15DT10H30M20S: 15 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes, and 20 seconds



Specifies the date and time when the record was closed

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format

You cannot specify your inputs to set this field. However, you can use this field to retrieve the record.



Specifies the foreign ID of the change

Valid value: Any valid string



Specifies the type of the request for change (RFC)

Valid values: Any string



Specifies the name of the company

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the title or a brief description of the change

Valid value: Any string


<subcategory >

Specifies the subcategory for the selected category

Valid value: Any valid string



Specifies the Service Level Agreement (SLA) ID associated with the change

Valid values: Any integer

The HP Service Manager application displays strings that are mapped to positive integers specified by using the <s-l-a-agreement-i-d> element. For example, 155 is mapped to ACME Bronze. These string values can be added, updated, and deleted by using the HP Service Manager application.



Specifies an array of descriptions for the change; is a structure type element



Specifies a description for the change; is an array-type element



Specifies the justification for the change; is an array-type element



Specifies the method to use to roll back the change, if necessary



Specifies an array of descriptions for the change; is a structure-type element



Specifies the configuration item associated with the change

The <configuration-item> element is the first entry of the <assets> element.
Complete Xpath: items > item > model > instance > middle > assets



Specifies the location associated with the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies miscellaneous information about the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies miscellaneous information about the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the outage start date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the outage end date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the scheduled outage start date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the scheduled outage end date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the actual outage start date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies the actual outage end date and time associated with the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00



Specifies a miscellaneous array element for the change



Specifies a miscellaneous array element for the change



Specifies a miscellaneous array element for the change



Specifies the configuration items associated with the change record; is an array-type element

Multiple configuration items can be associated with a change.



Specifies the description of the estimate obtained for the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the estimated price for implementing the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the actual cost of implementing the change

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the actual price for implementing the change

Valid value: Any string



Contains elements that specify the closure details and comments for the change record; is a structure-type element



Specifies the completion code for the change

Valid value: Any decimal



Specifies the closure comments for the change; is an array-type element



Specifies the level of urgency for the change

Valid values:

  • 1: Critical
  • 2: High
  • 3: Average
  • 4: Low



Specifies the initial assessment of the change

Valid values:

  • 1: Enterprise
  • 2: Site/Dept
  • 3: Multiple Users
  • 4: User



Specifies the service to be used for the change

Valid values: Applications, E-mail / Webmail (Africa), E-mail / Webmail (Asia), E-mail / Webmail (Australia), E-mail / Webmail (Europe), E-mail / Webmail (North America), E-mail / Webmail (South America), Education, Handheld, PDA & Telephony, Intranet / Internet (Africa), Intranet / Internet (Asia), Intranet / Internet (Australia), Intranet / Internet (Europe), Intranet / Internet (North America), Intranet / Internet (South America), MyDevices, Printing (Africa), Printing (Asia), Printing (Australia), Printing (Europe), Printing (North America), Printing (South America), Service Management



Specifies the requested end date for the change

Valid value: Date and time in the YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS format
For example: 2008.11.01 08:00:00


The following figure displays a sample adapter request for the Close Change operation.

Sample adapter request for the Close Change operation

    <entity-type />
                  <value>AARON, JIM</value>
                  <value>2009.11.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>The Title for the Change</value>
                      <value>First Line of Description</value>
                      <value>Second Line of Description</value>
                      <value>justification line 1</value>
                      <value>justification line 2</value>
                      <value>back out method line 1</value>
                      <value>back out method line 2</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                    <!--zero or more array elements follow-->
                      <value>misc array 1 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array 1 - 2</value>
                    <!--zero or more array elements follow-->
                      <value>misc array 2 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array 2 - 2</value>
                    <!--zero or more array elements follow-->
                      <value>misc array3 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array3 - 2</value>
                    <!--zero or more array elements follow-->
                      <value>Adobe Reader</value>
                  <value>estimate description</value>
                  <value>estimate price</value>
                  <value>Actual Cost</value>
                  <value>actual price</value>
                    <!--zero or more array elements follow-->
                      <value>closing comment line 1</value>
                      <value>closing comment line 2</value>
                <value>2010.01.31 12:30:00</value>

The following figure displays an adapter response for the Close Change operation.

Sample adapter response for the Close Change operation

                  <value>AARON, JIM</value>
                  <value>2009.11.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>Change Logging</value>
                  <value>2010.01.20 10:59:00</value>
                  <value>The Title for the Change</value>
                      <value>First Line of Description</value>
                      <value>Second Line of Description</value>
                      <value>justification line 1</value>
                      <value>justification line 2</value>
                      <value>back out method line 1</value>
                      <value>back out method line 2</value>
                  <value>Adobe Reader</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2009.12.01 08:00:00</value>
                  <value>2010.01.01 08:00:00</value>
                      <value>misc array 1 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array 1 - 2</value>
                      <value>misc array 2 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array 2 - 2</value>
                      <value>misc array3 - 1</value>
                      <value>misc array3 - 2</value>
                      <value>Adobe Reader</value>
                  <value>estimate description</value>
                  <value>estimate price</value>
                  <value>Actual Cost</value>
                  <value>actual price</value>
                <value>2010.01.31 12:30:00</value>
              <recordid>C10119 - The Title for the Change</recordid>
              <value>Audit Record successfully recorded and added.</value>
              <value>Change C10119 Phase Verification Closed by falcon j.</value>
              <value>Change C10119 Phase Change Logging Opened by falcon.</value>
          <schema-revision-date>2010.01.19 00:00:00</schema-revision-date>
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