Uninstalling components in containers

If you want to remove TSO components and clean up your containers before installing it again, you must first backup the logs. You can also use the maintenance tool to remove unused containers and volumes from your docker environment.

To remove TrueSight Orchestration components from a container, do the following steps on each host where the components are installed: 

  1. Run the tso_maintenance_tool.sh script again, and from the list of supported actions, type (Remove Stack option). 

  2. Type y to continue. 
    You see the following options: 

    1. Remove stack with complete data clean up (This will also clean-up the data in the mounted volume on this node).
    2. Remove stack without data clean up.
    3. Exit
    Please select the uninstallation type - 1 or 2 (3 to exit) :
  3. To remove the components completely and cleanup data in the mounted volumes, type 1
    Docker starts the cleanup task, removes containers, removes volumes, and exits from the script. 
  4. To remove the components without removing the volumes or containers, type 2.
    Docker starts the cleanup task, and only the tso_stack is removed. 

Related topic

Running the maintenance tool for TrueSight Orchestration in containers

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