
The  Development Studio Designer contains the process (also called workflow) design and modeling tools at the core of   Development Studio: Project Navigator, Activity Palette, and the process canvas.

Project Navigator

The Project Navigator organizes the modules and processes imported and unbundled in your workspace. In this pane, you can perform basic and advanced searches of processes. New modules are created in this pane. When you double-click a process name, that process is displayed on the process canvas.

Activity Palette

The Activity Palette displays the activities that you use to develop processes. Drag and drop the activities onto the process canvas to use them in a process.

Process canvas

The process canvas is the area where you develop, build, and modify workflows. You drop activities onto the canvas from the Activity Palette. The process canvas tabs, Process and PDL (Process Design Language), offer different views of a process. The process canvas is also called the design canvas.

  • The Process tab graphically displays a process and its activities.
  • The PDL tab displays a read-only view of the XML representation of a process.
    When you edit an activity, the Process tab displays the Properties, Logging, and Metadata tabs for the activity. If the activity is a called process, a For activity, or a Switch activity, the Process tab also displays the Results tab.

    Designer window
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