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Searching for devices across sites

TrueSight Network Automation – Multi-Server Administration lets you search devices across multiple application servers (also called sites) with the following attributes:

  • Name: You can search by the name of a device. 
  • Address: You can search by host name, IP address or URL.
  • Dynamic fields (not enabled by default): You can search by the name of a dynamic field.

You can use asterisk ( * ) as the wildcard characters to search for devices. 

This topic describes how to search for devices across sites.

Enabling search by dynamic fields

By default, search by dynamic fields is not enabled in Multi-Server Administration. You need to configure the deviceSearchByDynamicField property in the file (located in the MSA_DATA (C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-MSA\data directory) to enable this search. You can specify the names of those dynamic fields from the TrueSight Network Automation instances with which you want to search for devices.

Also, if you want to display the dynamic field column in the device search results, you need to configure the displayDynamicFieldsInList property. Specify the names of the dynamic fields in this property that you want to display as columns in the device search results.

To search for a device

  1. Log on to the Multi-Server Administration as a site user.


    This site user should exist on the TrueSight Network Automation sites that are added in Multi-Server Administration.

  2. Click Search.
    The Device Search page appears.
  3. From the first list, select or filter for the attributes with which you want to search for the devices.


    To search for a device with a device dynamic field, ensure that you have enabled the search with dynamic fields.

  4. In the Device Search field, enter the values of those attributes.
  5. Click Search.
    Search results are displayed on the Device Search page. When you click a site link, you are directed to the login page of the TrueSight Network Automation application server GUI that you added as a site.  

    Click a device link in the Device Name column to see the details of the device on the Device Details page.

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