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Managing dynamic fields

Dynamic fields enable administrators to add custom fields to the system application components (for example, device inventory, jobs, and rule sets) to tailor the TrueSight Network Automation system to your operational needs. A set of default dynamic fields is supplied with the product, and you can add your own dynamic fields. You can view the existing dynamic fields and the understand the actions that TrueSight Network Automation takes when the Auto Group option is changed. The following table lists the methods that are available for assigning values to dynamic fields:

Dynamic field assignment mechanism

Value type

Field attributes


System Assigned: Field value is populated through some automated means, and not manually from the Edit Device page (device import, custom action, or web services API).

Date, Integer, Text, Single Select Menu, Multi Select Menu

Sort By, Filter By, Auto Group By

Device inventory

User Assigned: Field values are assigned by the user and device import task.

Date, Integer, Text, Single Select Menu, Multi Select Menu

Sort By, Filter By, Required, Default Value, Auto Group By (Device only)


Configuration Profiled: Field values are assigned based on profiled attributes in the device's current Running configuration.

Capture Attribute Values Detect Attribute Presence

Sort By, Filter By, Required, Auto Group By

Device inventory

Auto Derived: Field values are derived based on the device's Name or Host Name/IP Address.

Named Based Host Name/IP Address Based

Sort By, Filter By, Auto Group By

Device inventory

From the table, device dynamic fields have the following unique properties:

  • Devices can be auto-grouped based on values assigned to a dynamic field (for example, Customer.Alpha, Location.ATL, and Type.CoreRouter).
  • System Assigned and User Assigned dynamic fields can be limited to specific device types, to represent information that is relevant to just those devices (and not to every device in the inventory). The device editor displays applicable dynamic fields based on the device's current device type selection.
  • Device dynamic field values can be plugged into templates, rules, and adapter code by using substitution parameters.
  • Configuration Profiled, System Assigned, and Auto Derived fields apply only to device inventory.
  • Device or Rule dynamic fields have an option for Export to Warehouse. If this is enabled, the dynamic field values for each device is available in the data warehouse database and also in the BMC Decision Support – Network Automation solution. If not enabled, the field is not available.


A user can export device dynamic fields and rule dynamic fields to the data warehouse database.BMC Decision Support – Network Automation enables filtering by device dynamic fields, but (in the current version) uses rule dynamic fields only when generating adhoc reports.

Related topic

Configuring system-wide attributes

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