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Generating and importing an SSL certificate for a remote device agent

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is used to keep sensitive information sent across the Internet encrypted. A proper SSL certificate provides authentication, which ensures that you are sending information to the right server and not to an unintended server. Customers most often send information through several computers. It is possible to avoid intermediate computers from pretending to be your website and trick your users into sending them personal information by using a proper Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and getting an SSL certificate from a trusted SSL provider.

Starting with version 8.7.00, TrueSight Network Automation uses the SHA256WithRSA encryption algorithm to generate a self-signed certificate. By default, the size (in bits) for the certificate key is set to 4096. However, you can also generate and import a third-party SSL certificate with a different algorithm or a different key size (greater than or equal to 2048-bits) by modifying the AGENT_CERTIFICATE_ALGORITHM and AGENT_KEY_NUM_BITS parameters in the setenv file.


TrueSight Network Automation does not support certificates with key size less than 2048-bits and an encryption algorithm weaker than SHA256WithRSA.

This topic describes how to generate and import a third-party or self-singed SSL certificate for a remote device agent and how to set various parameters in the setenv file if you want to use different parameter values than the default.

List of editable parameters in the setenv file

In addition to AGENT_CERTIFICATE_ALGORITHM and AGENT_KEY_NUM_BITS, you can modify the following parameters in the setenv file for the SSL certificate that you want to import for a remote device agent:


Before you begin

To enable the authentication process between the application server and device agents, you need to set the value of the skipAgentAuthenticationByEna parameter to false in the file. Default value is true.

To generate and import a third-party SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Windows

  1. Stop the BCA-Networks Web Server service on the application server and BCA-Networks Agent service on the remote device agent.
  2. (Optional) If you want to generate an SSL certificate with the parameter values (other than the keystore password) different than the default values in the setenv file, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\tools directory and open the setenv file with a text editor.
    2. Modify various parameters in the file.
    3. Save the file.
  3. (This step is required only if you have performed step 2 to change parameter values or if you want to change the keystore password) From the BCAN_HOME\tools directory, run the following command to generate a new self-signed certificate with the required password:

    create_keystore.bat <password>


    During installation, TrueSight Network Automation creates the self-signed certificate with a default password, 1emprisa. If you want to change this password, provide the required password; else, provide the default password.

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    Removing old C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore file ... 
    Generating certified key-pair and storing in 
    C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore ...
  4. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\java\bin directory and run the following command to view the keystore with the default self-signed certificate:

    keytool.exe -list -v -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore"

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
            Keystore type: JKS
            Keystore provider: SUN
            Your keystore contains 1 entry
            Alias name: agent
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
            Certificate chain length: 1
            Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Issuer: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Serial number: 20b6fde4
            Valid from: Tue Jan 20 11:24:55 CST 2015 until: Thu Dec 27 11:24:55
            CST 2114
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  22:55:8B:62:A0:85:6F:B0:82:A2:28:D5:FE:55:90:8A
                     SHA1: 24:17:3B:EB:5D:FF:B4:78:5E:3A:C5:A9:28:C0:0E:64:FB:0B
                     SHA256: F4:5B:E5:0E:74:EB:4B:B1:B2:D2:FA:22:33:CE:D3:5B:6C
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
                     Version: 3

    Notice that there is only one alias agent, which has the entry type of PrivateKeyEntry.

  5.  Run the following command to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) file, for example, BNA.csr by using the self-signed certificate:

    keytool.exe -certreq -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore" -alias agent -file "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\BNA.csr"

    The following sample message is displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
  6. Submit the BNA.csr file to the certification authority (CA) and get the remote device agent certificate.
  7. Obtain the root certificate, and optionally intermediate certificates from the CA if required.
  8. Copy the remote device agent, root, and intermediate certificates to the BCAN_HOME directory.
  9. Import the root CA certificate into the remote device agent, as follows:

    1. Run the following command:
      keytool.exe -importcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore" -alias root -file "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\CA-root.cer"

    2. When prompted for the password, enter the default password (1emprisa), or if you have changed the password in step 3, enter the changed password.

  10. Copy and import the root CA certificate into the application server, if not done already, as follows:
    1. Copy the root CA certificate to the BCAN_DATA directory.
    2. Run the following command:
      keytool.exe -importcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks\java\lib\security\cacerts" -alias root -file C:\BCA-Networks-Data\CA-root.cer

    3. When prompted for the password, enter changeit.

      The following sample messages are displayed, when you run the commands in step 9 and 10:

    Enter keystore password:  <password>
            Owner: CN=ca-host-name
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
            Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
            CST 2020
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                     SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08
                     SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3
            Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
            Certificate was added to keystore
  11. (Optional) Run the following command to import intermediate CA certificates into the remote device agent:

    keytool.exe -importcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore" -alias intermediate -file "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\CA-intermediate.cer"
  12. Run the following command to import the remote device agent certificate:

    keytool.exe -importcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore" -alias agent -file "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\BNA-Certificate.cer"

    The following messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password:  Adm1npaswd
          Certificate reply was installed in keystore
  13. Run the following command to view the root and remote device agent certificates in the keystore:

    keytool.exe -list -v -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore"

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
            Keystore type: JKS
            Keystore provider: SUN
            Your keystore contains 2 entries
            Alias name: root
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: trustedCertEntry
            Owner: CN=ca-host-name
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
            Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
            CST 2020
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                     SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08:15
                     SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86:22:ED
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3
            Alias name: agent
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
            Certificate chain length: 2
            Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 3a0000000c0afa89bc8714632500000000000c
            Valid from: Tue Jan 20 11:20:05 CST 2015 until: Wed Jan 20 11:30:05
            CST 2016
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  C3:1C:22:08:A6:21:B9:FF:D1:73:29:F6:8C:75:E4:DF
                     SHA1: 3D:08:7C:45:6B:B4:7E:65:BD:7C:E7:F8:4C:1F:6E:9B:05:75
                     SHA256: 5A:49:2E:82:53:DD:40:78:E9:D5:68:15:28:38:07:6E:D3
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3
            Owner: CN=ca-host-name
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
            Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
            CST 2020
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                     SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08:15
                     SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86:22
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3

    Notice that there are two aliases, root and agent. The root alias is a self-signed trustedCertEntry with only one certificate. However, the agent alias is still a PrivateKeyEntry. Now tomcat has two certificates:

    • One for itself: Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US

    • One for its root: Owner: CN=ca-host-name

  14. If you have changed the keystore password in step 3, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\utility directory and run BcanMaintenanceTool.cmd. Encrypt the changed keystore password by selecting Encrypt Product Password as the encryption method.
    2. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\wrapper directory and update the Dcom.bmc.bcan.ssl.keyStorePassword and Dcom.bmc.bcan.ssl.trustStorePassword properties in the BcanDeviceAgentWrapper.conf file with the encrypted keystore password generated in the preceding step.
  15. Start the BCA-Networks Web Server service on the application server and BCA-Networks Agent service on the remote device agent.

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To generate and import a self-signed SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Windows

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 as described in To generate and import a third-party SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Windows.
  2. Export the self-signed certificate as follows:

    1. Run the following command to export the certificate from the .keystore file with a new name for the exported file:

      keytool.exe -exportcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks-Agent\.keystore" -alias agent -file agentcert.cer

    2. When prompted for the password, enter the default password (1emprisa), or if you have changed the password, enter the changed password. 
      The following sample messages are displayed:

      Enter keystore password:  Adm1npaswd
            Certificate stored in file agentcert.cer.
  3. Copy and import the self-signed certificate into the application server, as follows:
    1. Copy the certificate to the BCAN_DATA directory.
    2. Run the following command:
      keytool.exe -importcert -keystore "C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BCA-Networks\java\lib\security\cacerts" -alias agent -file C:\BCA-Networks-Data\agentcert.cer 
    3. When prompted for the password, enter changeit.
  4. If you have changed the keystore password, follow these steps: 
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\utility directory and run BcanMaintenanceTool.cmd. Encrypt the changed keystore password by selecting Encrypt Product Password as the encryption method.
    2. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\wrapper directory and update the Dcom.bmc.bcan.ssl.keyStorePassword and Dcom.bmc.bcan.ssl.trustStorePassword properties in the BcanDeviceAgentWrapper.conf file with the encrypted keystore password generated in the preceding step.
  5. Start the BCA-Networks Web Server service on the application server and BCA-Networks Agent service on the remote device agent.

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To generate and import a third-party SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Linux

  1. Stop the enatomcat service on the application server and bcanagent service on the remote device agent.
  2. (Optional) If you want to generate an SSL certificate with the parameter values (other than the keystore password) different than the default values in the setenv file, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME\tools directory and open the setenv file with a text editor.
    2. Modify various parameters in the file.
    3. Save the file.
  3. (This step is required only if you have performed step 2 to change parameter values or if you want to change the keystore password) From the BCAN_HOME\tools directory, run the following command to generate a new self-signed certificate with the required password:

    ./ <password>


    During installation, TrueSight Network Automation creates the self-signed certificate with a default password, 1emprisa. If you want to change this password, provide the required password; else, provide the default password.

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    removing old /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore file ...
    generating certified key-pair and storing in /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore ..
  4. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME/java/bin directory and run the following command to view the keystore with the default self-signed certificate:

    ./keytool -list -v -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
            Keystore type: JKS
            Keystore provider: SUN
            Your keystore contains 1 entry
            Alias name: agent
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
            Certificate chain length: 1
            Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Issuer: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Serial number: 20b6fde4
            Valid from: Tue Jan 20 11:24:55 CST 2015 until: Thu Dec 27 11:24:55
            CST 2114
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  22:55:8B:62:A0:85:6F:B0:82:A2:28:D5:FE:55:90:8A
                     SHA1: 24:17:3B:EB:5D:FF:B4:78:5E:3A:C5:A9:28:C0:0E:64:FB:0B
                     SHA256: F4:5B:E5:0E:74:EB:4B:B1:B2:D2:FA:22:33:CE:D3:5B:6C
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
                     Version: 3

    Notice that there is only one alias agent, which has the entry type of PrivateKeyEntry.

  5. Run the following command to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) file, for example, bna.csr by using the self-signed certificate:

    ./keytool -certreq -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore -alias agent -file /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/bna.csr

    The following sample message is displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
  6. Submit the bna.csr file to the certification authority (CA) and get the remote device agent certificate.
  7. Obtain the root certificate, and optionally intermediate certificates from the CA if required.
  8. Copy the remote device agent, root, and intermediate certificates to the BCAN_HOME directory.
  9. Import the root CA certificate, as follows:

    1. Run the following command:
      ./keytool -importcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore -alias root -file /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/ca-root.cer

    2. When prompted for the password, enter the default password (1emprisa), or if you have changed the password in step 3, enter the changed password.

  10. Copy and import the root CA certificate into the application server, if not done already, as follows:
    1. Copy the root certificate to the BCAN_DATA directory.
    2. Run the following command:
      ./keytool -importcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks/java/lib/security/cacerts -alias root -file /var/bca-networks-data/ca-root.cer

    3. When prompted for the password, enter changeit.

      The following sample messages are displayed, when you execute the commands in step 9 and 10:

       Enter keystore password:  <password>
              Owner: CN=ca-ost-name
              Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
              Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
              Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
              CST 2020
              Certificate fingerprints:
                       MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                       SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08
                       SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86
                       Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                       Version: 3
              Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
              Certificate was added to keystore
  11. (Optional) Run the following command to import intermediate CA certificates into the remote device agent:

    ./keytool -importcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore -alias intermediate -file /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/ca-intermediate.cer
  12. Run the following command to import the remote device agent certificate:

    ./keytool -importcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore -alias agent -file /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/bna-certificate.cer

    The following messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password:  Adm1npaswd
          Certificate reply was installed in keystore
  13. Run the following command to view the root and the remote device agent certificates in the keystore:

    ./keytool -list -v -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore

    The following sample messages are displayed:

    Enter keystore password: Adm1npaswd
            Keystore type: JKS
            Keystore provider: SUN
            Your keystore contains 2 entries
            Alias name: root
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: trustedCertEntry
            Owner: CN=ca-host-name
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
            Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
            CST 2020
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                     SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08:15
                     SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86:22:ED
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3
            Alias name: agent
            Creation date: Jan 20, 2015
            Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
            Certificate chain length: 2
            Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 3a0000000c0afa89bc8714632500000000000c
            Valid from: Tue Jan 20 11:20:05 CST 2015 until: Wed Jan 20 11:30:05
            CST 2016
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  C3:1C:22:08:A6:21:B9:FF:D1:73:29:F6:8C:75:E4:DF
                     SHA1: 3D:08:7C:45:6B:B4:7E:65:BD:7C:E7:F8:4C:1F:6E:9B:05:75
                     SHA256: 5A:49:2E:82:53:DD:40:78:E9:D5:68:15:28:38:07:6E:D3
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3
            Owner: CN=ca-host-name
            Issuer: CN=ca-host-name
            Serial number: 2f245324d2723a964f3c1bafcada2bd4
            Valid from: Sat Jan 17 21:35:15 CST 2015 until: Fri Jan 17 21:45:14
            CST 2020
            Certificate fingerprints:
                     MD5:  34:89:6E:21:E7:16:18:6A:C4:45:F3:87:80:27:2C:64
                     SHA1: A6:9D:77:7B:5B:AB:95:95:BE:49:E8:FE:A1:84:46:78:08:15
                     SHA256: 5E:9A:A8:20:73:C2:0C:52:88:D4:61:32:7A:73:FD:86:22
                     Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
                     Version: 3

    Notice that there are two aliases, root and agent. The root alias is a self-signed trustedCertEntry with only one certificate. However, the agent alias is still a PrivateKeyEntry. Now, tomcat has two certificates:

    • One for itself: Owner: CN=host-name, OU=BNA, O=BMC, L=McLean, ST=VA, C=US

    • One for its root: Owner: CN=ca-host-name

  14. If you have changed the keystore password in step 3, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME/utility directory and run Encrypt the keystore password by selecting Encrypt Product Password as the encryption method.
    2. Navigate to the /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/tools directory and update the AGENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD property in the file with the encrypted keystore password generated in the preceding step.
  15. Start the enatomcat service on the application server and bcanagent service on the remote device agent.

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To generate and import a self-signed SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Linux

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4 as described in To generate and import a third-party SSL certificate for a remote device agent that is hosted on Linux.

  2. Export the self-signed certificate as follows:

    1. Run the following command to export the certificate from the .keystore file with a new name for the exported file:

      ./keytool -exportcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/.keystore -alias agent -file agentcert.cer

    2. When prompted for the password, enter the default password (1emprisa), or if you have changed the password, enter the changed password. 
      The following sample messages are displayed:

      Enter keystore password:  Adm1npaswd
            Certificate stored in file agentcert.cer.
  3. Copy and import the self-signed certificate into the application server, as follows:
    1. Copy the certificate to the BCAN_DATA directory.
    2. Run the following command:
      ./keytool -importcert -keystore /opt/bmc/bca-networks/java/lib/security/cacerts -alias agent -file /var/bca-networks-data/agentcert.cer
    3. When prompted for the password, enter changeit.
  4. If you have changed the keystore password, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the BCAN_HOME/utility directory and run Encrypt the keystore password by selecting Encrypt Product Password as the encryption method.
    2. Navigate to the /opt/bmc/bca-networks-agent/tools directory and update the AGENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD property in the file with the encrypted keystore password generated in the preceding step.
  5. Start the enatomcat service on the application server and bcanagent service on the remote device agent.

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Related topic

Generating and importing an SSL certificate for the application server

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