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Assigning a target configuration

A job with the Assign Target action enables you to assign a target configuration to a device. Target configurations can be:

  • Imported and exported from/to external systems (for example, modeling)
  • Edited and deployed to a device
  • Audited for compliance by using the Compliance Summary Report
  • Compared side-by-side with other configurations by using Configuration Comparison Report

To run an Assign Target action

  1. On the Add Job page, select Add Action > Span Actions > Assign Target.

  2. Enter information in the following fields:




    (Optional) Annotation assigned to the configurations created by the action.

    Network Span

    Select a realm, group, multiple devices, or a single device for the Assign Target action. When the Network Span is Realm or Group, you can use Filter Devices to select which devices to include in the action.
    When the action is triggered in an event-based policy, additional options include: Same as Triggering Realm, Same as Triggering Group, Same as Triggering Device.


    Select which configuration or template to assign to the Target.

    • Current Running/Startup: Assign the current running or startup configuration.
    • Trusted Running/Startup: Assign the trusted running or startup configuration.
    • Template: Assign the selected template.
    • Historical Running/Startup: Assign the selected historical running or startup configuration.
    • Clear Target: Clear away or remove the target configuration.
    • Other Current: Assign a different current configuration.
    • Other Historical: Assign a historical configuration.

    Options > Replace Current Target Configuration(s)

    Select to replace the current assigned target configuration. When you do not select this option, only new target configurations are assigned and existing ones are left unchanged.

  3. Click OK to add the action to the job.
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