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Approving jobs

This topic provides information and instructions for approving jobs.

About job approvals

Job approvals can be enabled system-wide under Admin > System Parameters (see Managing system parameters). When job approvals are enabled, you are required to assign a job approval type when staging a Job.

Under the Admin tab, the administrator creates job approval types based on the organization's approval process. Approvers can be individual users and roles. These are the approval types:

  • Single Approval: Only a single approval is required.
  • Multiple Approvals: Multiple approvals are required, in any order.
  • Sequence of Approvals: Multiple approvals are required, in a specified order.
  • Remedy Approval :Remedy approval is required. Remedy approval might be the only approval required, or it might be part of multiple approvals, or a sequence of approvals.
    This type of approval is only available if your site has performed the Remedy integration procedure and the system parameter Enable Continuous Compliance for Network Administration is selected. See Continuous Compliance for Network Automation for more information.
  • None: No approvals are required.

Job approvals are not required for these passive actions: Snapshot, Assign Target, Log Event, Send Email, Send Trap. You can set a tag (requiresApproval) in a Custom Action script designating if approval is required.

Job approvals require a multi-stage process in several areas of the UI.

To approve jobs

  1. Enable job approvals globally under Admin > System Admin > System Parameters
    See Managing system parameters. A TrueSight Network Automation administrator must perform this step.
  2. Select the actions that require approval.
    This step is performed in the same UI as step 1.
  3. Create a job approval type under Admin > Network Admin > Job Approval Types.
  4. Create the job in the Network > Jobs.
  5. Click Save And Submit. You are prompted to select a job approval type, as shown in the following figure:

    If this dialog box does not appear, confirm that steps 2 through 4 were performed correctly.
    After you select a job approval type, the approval icons appear for users who have approval rights, as shown in the following figure:

  6. Click  or .
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