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Adding a configuration export task

This topic describes how add a configuration export task. You can export configurations for snapshot purposes or use by another application (for example, modeling tools). The configuration is exported in ASCII format as received from the device. Multiple export tasks are queued to run once or on a recurring basis.

To add a configuration export task

  1. Open the Add Configuration Export Task page by navigating Network > Import/Export > Configuration Export > Add.

  2. Enter a name for the export task in the Name field, and (optionally) a comment or remark about the export task in the Annotation field.
  3. In the Destination box, in the Server field, specify whether the export is to a local or remote server.
    TrueSight Network Automation uses Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) when exporting to a remote server. Before exporting to a remote server, be sure SCP is enabled on the server (as discussed in Confirming installation of FTP or SCP).
  4. If you chose Remote Server in the Server field, specify details for connecting to the remote server and performing the remote copy — host name or IP address, SSH port (default: 22), user name, and password.
  5. In the Destination box, enter the following information:
    • Destination Directory: Where to export the configuration files. This directory must be accessible to the server. The default directory is the /configs directory in the BCAN_DATA directory (for example, C:/BCA-Networks-Data/configs).
    • Exported Filename: Specify a file name for the exported configuration files. The default is ${}-config, which substitutes the hostname/IP address from the device record.


      If Exported Filename contains special characters such as ",<, >, :, *, ?, /, or \ within resolved substitution parameter values, these characters are replaced by an underscore (_) during export. During configuration import, you must ensure that you replace the system-introduced underscores with the expected characters.

    • Zip Exported Files: (Optional) Select this option to compress files into a single .zip file for export. Enter the .zip filename. The default .zip file name is config${}-${current.time}.zip.


      You can use the following options in the file names that you specify in the Exported Filename and Zip Filename:




      Name field from the device record


      Host Name/IP Address field from the device record


      Date/Time of the selected configuration to export


      Append Running or Startup to the filename


      Current date


      Current time


      Local host IP address


      Local host full name


      Local host name


      The date and time are always expressed as mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss regardless of locale settings (mm = month, dd = date, yy = two-digit year, hh = hour in 24-hour format, mm = minutes, ss = seconds).

      For information about how ${localhostAddress}, ${localhostFullName}, and ${localhostName} are resolved see Adding global substitution parameters.

      Example: ${}:${config.timestamp}.cfg generated the Exported Filename: ATL-cisco1720-01: 07/21/05 15:29:31.cfg.

  6. In the Network Span field, select which realm, group, or device to export configurations.
  7. In the Configurationfield, select which configuration to export for the selected network span, one of the following options:
    • Target: Export the target configuration.
    • Current Running: Export the current running configuration.
    • Current Startup: Export the current startup configuration.
    • Trusted Running : Export the trusted running configuration.
    • Trusted Startup : Export the trusted startup configuration.
    • Historical Running : Export the running configuration on the selected date/time.
    • Historical Startup : Export the startup configuration on the selected date/time.
    • Other Current : Export a different current configuration.
    • Other Historical : Assign a historical configuration.
  8. Choose any of the following options, as relevant:
    • Enabled: Select to enable the export task. By default the task is enabled.
    • Auto Purge: Select if the export task should be purged after its scheduled execution. The default is to manually purge export tasks.
    • Overwrite Existing Files: Select if the configuration file should be overwritten if a file already exists in the directory specified. The default is to overwrite existing files.
    • Export Only Configurations Changed Since Last Export: Export the configuration only if it has changed since the last export. The default is to always export.
  9. In the Repeat field, specify how often to repeat the export task. Then, in the Export Time box, specify the time to export according to your selection in the Repeatfield:
    • Export Once: Export Now or at a Date/Time in the future.
    • Export Daily : Specify the time (hour and minute) to execute the export task each day.
    • Export Weekly: Specify the time (hour and minute) and day(s) of the week to execute the export task.
    • Export Monthly: Specify the day of the month and export time to execute the export task.
  10. Click Save to save this configuration export task.
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