Creating dynamic event groups

Event groups are sets of events that are organized in meaningful groups for better manageability. Dynamic event groups are set of events that are created dynamically based on event slot that you specify. The event groups are created based on the unique values of the selected event slot. You can also provide certain criteria or conditions. These conditions act as filters on events.

Dynamic event groups are displayed in or removed from the Event Groups page based on whether or not events, that meet the criteria specified while creating a dynamic group, are present.

Best practice

  • To mitigate performance impact, observe the following guidelines:
    • Do not create more than three levels in an event group hierarchy.
    • Ensure to create a dynamic event group definition in such a way that the total number of dynamic event groups generated is equal to or less than 500
  • When creating an event group, avoid complex pattern-matching conditions on slot contents and use narrowly-defined classes rather than complex Where clauses.
  • When deciding a hierarchy:
    • Avoid a dynamic event group as a parent and static event group as a child.
    • Do not add the same dynamic event group definition twice in the hierarchy. For example, avoid the following hierarchy: Group By Status > Group By Severity > Group By Status.

To create a dynamic event group

  1. Log on to the TrueSight console.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Monitoring and select Events
  3. In the Events page, click the View event groups icon
  4. In the Event Groups page, click the main action menu and select Create Dynamic Event Group. The Create Dynamic Event Group page is displayed.
  5. Specify a name for the dynamic event group.
  6. Select a parent for the dynamic event group. By default, Event Groups is the root or topmost level of event group.
    1. Click Select Parent Group.  

    2. Navigate through the hierarchy of event groups and select the event group that you want to set as parent and click OK

  7. Select the Table View if you want to associate the table view with this event group. By default, the Basic Information table view is associated.  


    User defined table views cannot be associated with the event groups. 

  8. Specify the filtering criteria for the event group:

    1. From the Class list, select the type of event.
    2. Select the event attributes and comparison operators that are listed in Slots.


    Filtering criteria that are associated with the parent event group are already applied to the child event group. The inherited criteria is displayed in gray color.


    For some event attributes, the internal names are displayed. For example, error_message, error_val.

    If you want to view the display name for an event attribute, you need to add the attribute to the en.json file:

    1. Open the en.json file from the  <installationDirectory>\TrueSightPServer\truesightpserver\modules\tomcat\webapps\infraApp\WEB-INF\classes folder.

    2. Go to the end of the file and add a comma after the last line of code and press ENTER.

    3. Add information for the event attribute in the following format: eventView.slot.<CLASS_NAME>.<SLOT_NAME>=<SLOT_DISPLAY_NAME>
    where, CLASS_NAME = Event class name of your event attribute (slot)

    SLOT_NAME = Internal name of the event attribute that is currently displayed

    SLOT_DISPLAY_NAME = Name of the event attribute that you want to replace the internal name with

    4. Repeat the earlier step for all the event attributes that you want to add.

    5. Restart the Presentation Server.

  9. Specify the event group name criteria. Select the slot from the Slot Name list. 

    Best practice

    When creating the dynamic event group, select the appropriate slot name based on which you want the meaningful event groups to be created.
    For more information about event classes and slots, see  How event classes are structured Open link  .

    Comparison operators

    OperatorDescriptionSlot types
    ==Events are listed only if the slot value matches the comparison value.

    Enum, String, Number, List of String

    !=Events are listed only if the slot value does not match the comparison value.Enum, String, Number, List of String
    >Events are listed only if the slot value is greater than the comparison value.Enum, String, Number
    <Events are listed only if the slot value is less than the comparison value.Enum, String, Number
    >=Events are listed only if the slot value is greater than or equal to the comparison value.Enum, String, Number
    <=Events are listed only if the slot value is less than or equal to the comparison value.Enum, String, Number
    Has prefixEvents are listed only if the slot value starts with the comparison value.String, Number
    Has suffixEvents are listed only if the slot value ends with the comparison value.String, Number
    ContainsEvents are listed only if the slot value contains the comparison value.String, Number, List of String
    WithinEvents are listed only if the slot value is an exact match with one of the comma-separated list of comparison values.String, Number
    Contains one ofEvents are listed only if the slot value is an exact match with one of the comma-separated list of comparison values.String, Number
    OutsideEvents are listed only if the slot value does not match with any of the comma-separated list of comparison values.String, Number

    Events are listed only if the slot value contains the comparison value.

    You can provide the following parameters in addition to the comparison value:
    %d - decimal integer number
    %f - floating point real number
    %c - single character
    %s - string value

    Consider the following example values in the message slot of eight events:

    Event 1Memory Consumption - 10 MB – on machine clm-dev-008700
    Event 2CPU utilization 85.35% – on machine clm-dev-007890
    Event 3Memory Consumption - 5 MB – on machine clm-dev-108781
    Event 4CPU utilization 75.95% – on machine clm-dev-087654
    Event 5Memory Consumption – 894  MB – on machine clm-dev-54657
    Event 6CPU utilization 68.45% – on machine clm-dev-37878
    Event 7Consumption of storage space is high on vm-dev-45 machine
    Event 8Utilization taking higher trend

    When you use the matches operator for the message slot:

    • Message matches Consumption – %d
      Events 1, 3, and 5 are displayed, as the following criteria matches:
      Consumption as a constant and an integer variable listed after Consumption.
    • Message matches machine %s
      Events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are displayed as the following criteria matches:
      machine as a constant and a string variable listed after machine.
    String, List of String

    Subclass of

    Events are listed only if they are a subclass or child class of the provided class.Class
    Superclass ofEvents are listed only if they are a super-class or parent class of the provided class.Class

  10. Click OK. In the tile view, the dynamic event groups are marked with a star on the header. In the table view, the dynamic event group is marked with a star (*) and includes the dynamic event group definition name in a bracket. If there are no events that meet the criteria specified while creating a dynamic group, the dynamic event group will not be displayed. It will appear when you have matching events. 

    If you select the topmost level of the event groups, Event Groups, as a parent, it is displayed as [None] in the event group's tile. 

To modify, view, or delete a dynamic event group

To modify, view, or delete the dynamic event group, see Managing event groups from the TrueSight console.

Where to go from here

Using event groups to filter events

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