Cell configuration parameters

Cell configuration parameters





Used as the initial value of the cell_description slot of the internal MC_CELL_INFO record.



Used to configure how the the cell handles exceptions:

  • Yes - cell catches exceptions, automatically restarts itself, and collects data for issue analysis including cell trace files, cell state files and a core dump, if possible
  • No - cell service is not available until the cell is restarted manually



Indicates the level on which the cell must operate.
The operation level determines from which clients the cell accepts connections and events. The default value can accept connections from any computer.



Indicates whether the operation level should be lowered in case there is no license available for the desired level, as set by CellOperationLevel.
Typically, more license tokens are available for lower operation levels.


ConnectionPortRange 1

Specifies the range of ports to use for outgoing connections.
For forward propagation, this port is used on the client side (or on the propagating cell side). This is useful to pass the event through firewalls with high restrictions. Most firewall configurations ignore source port information but require destination port information. However, firewall configuration usually can restrict the source ports as well.


ConnectionPortReuse 1

Indicates whether or not the ports specified in ConnectionPortRange should be reused as much as possible.
By default, the cell or command-line interface (CLI) tries to reuse ports from the specified range, in the specified order. When ConnectionPortReuse=No, the next free port from the specified range is used for every new connection within the same session. When it reaches the end of the range, it restarts at the beginning of the range.



Determines whether or not the cell is a Operations Manager cell. This parameter is automatically configured by mcrtcell and should not be changed manually in mcell.conf.

JServer can only communicate directly with POMEnabled cell.
A Operations Manager (POMEnabled=Yes) cell does not accept adapter clients, unless a license key is provided.


  • A Operations Manager cell Knowledge Base must not be recompiled, unless license key is provided.
  • If POMEnabled=Yes, then you cannot msend events to the cell unless you have an Event Management license.
  • If POMEnabled=No, then you can msend events to the cell but the JServer can not communicate with it.



Specifies limitation of event processing speed.
At 100% the cell accepts events as fast as it can. At x% it does not accept events during (100-x)% of the time. This limits the cell's CPU utilization.



determines the interval length (in seconds) of a single collection. Metrics from a single collection are presented in the short term metrics counters. The default value is CellMetricsCollectInterval=60



specifies the number of similar single collections to be taken into account. The combination of that many most recent collections is presented in the medium term metrics counters. The default value is CellMetricsCollectAmount=5



Determines whether the cell listens on one specific interface or on all available interfaces.
When ServerAllInterfaces=Yes, the cell communicates on all network interfaces on the host. When ServerAllInterfaces=No, the cell only communicates with the network interface that has the IP address specified in the mcell.dir file of that cell.


ServerDirectoryName 1

Specifies the name of the cell directory file.


ServerPort 1

Specifies the TCP/IP port number at which the cell listens for all in-bound requests from sources, such as the administration console, CLIs, and adapters.



Specifies whether the cell is an Event Management cell or a Service Impact Model cell.
If ServiceModelEnabled=No, the cell operates as an Event Management cell.
If ServiceModelEnabled=Yes and Service Impact Management class definitions are loaded, the cell operates as a Infrastructure Management Service Impact Model Cell. If these class definitions are not available, the cell operates as an Infrastructure Management Event Management Cell.



This parameter is used to enhance the cell alias stealing feature. The cell alias stealing feature is explained briefly in the following section:

A Device is created for any computer system CI (CSCI) communicated through the PATROL Agent/Portal/Cloud adapter (with n number of aliases for a CI), and if the same CI is published from the Publishing Server (with n-1 number of aliases), then the cell will steal the (n-1) aliases coming from the PATROL Agent/Portal/Cloud adapter, and will create two device entries. One device entry for a CI from published device and the second entry for a CI from PATROL Agent/Portal/Cloud adapter.

If ServiceModelDeleteDuplicateCI=Yes, the cell creates a single device entry and avoids duplicate host entries on the Devices page.


  • If you set the ServiceModelDeleteDuplicateCI to Yes, then ensure that you also set the variable component.delete.duplicate.device=true in the pronet.conf file located in the <TrueSight Infrastructure Management Installation Directory>/pw/custom/conf directory.
  • Once you set these parameters, restart the Infrastructure Management server.

If ServiceModelDeleteDuplicateCI=No, this is the default value, and the cell might create duplicate device entries in case of duplicate CI aliases published from both the PATROL Agent/Portal/Cloud adapter and the CMDB publishing.



Specifies the path to the default system-defined log directory.



Specifies the path to the default system-defined tmp directory.



Specifies the path to the default system-defined var directory.



1 Can also be used in the mclient.conf configuration file, which affects the behavior of all of the CLI commands. These parameters retain the same qualities and definitions in the mclient.conf file as they have in the mcell.conf file.

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