
The [SSHost:Port] stanza is used to configure the most recently used TMTM Application Service and port combinations.




The default TMTM Application Service host and port combination is 1=localhost:15004. This list is automatically written and updated when you use a new TMTM Application Service host and port combination when logging in. The most recently used combination is 1=, next oldest is 2=, and so forth. You can manually add more here using 2=hostname:port, 3=hostname:port, and so on.


Default: 5. This field configures the most recently used list TMTM Application Service host and port combinations. You might use different TMTM Application Services for a production environment and test environment to prevent unauthorized access; however, some people might need access to both. This list allows them to easily access either environment.

The recent_list field defines the maximum number of options you see in the Host:Port field. Increase this number to allow more service host and port combinations.

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