Installing the TMTM Knowledge Module

Use the BMC Common installer to install the package in the Patrol Agent.

It is recommended that the Patrol Agent run on the same machine as the TrueSight Middleware and Transaction Monitor Services. It can run elsewhere, but keep in mind that both the MTM KM on the Patrol Agent and the TrueSight Middleware and Transaction Monitor services need to be able to create, read, write and delete permissions on the same directory so that they can exchange data files.


Be sure to configure the Patrol Agent to preload the MTM KM so that ProactiveNet is able to retrieve data. Refer to the Patrol Agent User Guide for details.

Edit the InstallDir/MTM_pconfig.txt file and add the drop off location. The drop off location must be on the same machine as your services and read/write accessible from both the Patrol Agent and the TrueSight Middleware and Transaction Monitor services.

"/MTM/config/dropoffpath" = { REPLACE = "<drop off location>
test.txt" },
"/MTM/config/mtm_drop_dir" = { REPLACE = "<drop off location>" },

For Windows:

From a command prompt in the installation directory, execute:
pconfig +Reload MTM_pconfig.txt


From a command prompt in the TrueSight Middleware and Transaction Monitor TMTM install directory, execute:
<patrol home>/<platform>/bin/pconfig +Reload MTM_pconfig.txt

You must replace <patrol home> with the installation directory for your Patrol Agent, and replace <platform> with the appropriate value for your system.

When executing pconfig, it returns what appears to be an error. This can be ignored.
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