Installing into WebSphere Application Server

This is an example demonstrating how the BTM Resource Adapter and a Message Driven Bean (MDB) can be deployed into an IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) runtime environment to enable BTM monitoring of a single JMS Destination.

Note that none of the following is indicative of a required configuration. The BTM components involved (Resource Adapter and MDB) can be configured in many ways according to the requirements for scalability or application architecture. This documents the simplest possible configuration to demonstrate a minimal monitoring configuration.

This example assumes that some other application is delivering messages to the JMS destination. The BTM MDB forwards the message to the BTM Resource Adapter for parsing, according to Message Formats defined in the BTM model, and updates are published to TMTM from there.

The following sections describe how to use the IBM WebSphere Application Server web console to deploy and configure the monitor solution. Further to the previous assumptions stated, this section assumes the following: a JMS Activation Specification, with a JNDI name of btm/BTMActSpec, configured to marshall messages from the previously defined JMS destination (btm/BTMQueue).

Deploying the BTM resource adapter on the WebSphere Application Server

  1. Navigate to Resources > Resource Adapters and select Install RAR.
  2. Browse to the location of the Java EE JMS Destination runtime toolkit. Select the BTM Resource Adapter archive file, btmra.rar, from that toolkit.
  3. Accept the default General Properties.
  4. Click OK and save your changes.

The BTM Resource Adapter is now deployed.

Configuring a connection factory on the WebSphere Application Server

  1. Navigate to Resource adapters > BTM Resource Adapter > J2C connection factories.
  2. Select New to create a J2C Connection Factory and provide a name. For this example, we will use btmMessageMonitor. The name used is not important to BTM.
  3. Define a JNDI name for the connection factory. For this example, we will use btm/messageMonitorFactory.
  4. Select the connection factory interface type - com.mqsoftware.BTM.extension.btmra.MessageMonitorFactory - from the drop down list.
  5. Click OK to create the connection factory.
  6. Navigate to Resource adapters > BTM Resource Adapter > J2C connection factories > btmMessageMonitor and select Custom Properties.
  7. Select monitorName and provide a value for the monitorName property. This value should match the Message Monitor Name defined on the Extension Details of the BTM Activity Implementation. In this example we will use btmMessageMonitor.
  8. Click OK and save your changes.

The BTM Resource Adapter is now deployed, and has a Connection Factory configured. It is ready to accept JMS Messages for the purposes of monitoring.

Deploying the message driven bean on the WebSphere Application Server

In this section we will deploy the BTM MDB (btmRaMdb.ear) from the Java EE JMS Destination runtime toolkit into the application server.

  1. In the Administrative console, navigate to Install New Application.
  2. Browse to the location of the Java EE JMS Destination runtime toolkit. Select the BTM Resource Adapter Message Driven Bean archive file, btmRaMdb.ear, from that toolkit.
  3. Click Next. A typical installation accepts most of the default options.
  4. In step 3 of the application installation ("Provide listener bindings for message-drive beans"), provide the JNDI name of the JMS Activation Specification that has been configured. For this example, we will use btm/BTMActSpec. Note that many alternative configurations for JMS message delivery are available. This is just one means of having JMS messages delivered to a Message Driven Bean.
  5. In Step 4 of the application installation ("Map resource references to resources"), resolve the resource reference named btm/messageMonitorFactory to the JNDI name of the J2C Connection Factory created earlier. In this example we will use btm/messageMonitorFactory. At this point, note that you are mapping a reference to a JNDI name. That they are the same string in this example is coincidental. It is not a requirement, and does not indicate that they are the same thing - one is a resource reference name, the other is a JNDI name.
  6. Click Finish and save your changes.
  7. View the installed Enterprise Applications. Start the application, which has a default name of BTM JMS Destination Monitor.

The Message Drive bean is now deployed and ready to receive JMS messages.

Reviewing logging information about the WebSphere Application Server

The System log contains the following to verify that monitoring has started or stopped:

ResourceAdapterImpl> Started a BTM Resource Adapter (6.0.00 (build 26))
ResourceAdapterImpl> Stopped a BTM Resource Adapter

  • Access the logging settings by navigating to Resource adapters > BTM Resource Adapter > Custom properties in the IBM WebSphere Administrative Console and set the logLevel custom property to the required level. Supported levels are ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, WARN, INFO and OFF. These terms are case sensitive.

    The logging information is directed to the standard WebSphere log destination (SystemOut.log). 

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