Data history fields, parameters, rules and resolution

The TrueSight Middleware and Transaction Monitor (TMTM) history database stores raw (high-resolution) and summarized (low-resolution) values of attributes, where they are available for querying and generating reports. At 30-minute intervals, the History Service compresses the raw data into summarized data, in accordance with the associated history rule. 

Data history fields and parameters

The following table lists the History compression parameters.


Compressed values


Saves the last value sampled during the one-hour interval (default).


Saves the sum of all sample values sampled during the one-hour interval (default).


Saves the number of sample values taken during the one-hour interval (default).


Saves the average sample value during the one-hour interval (default).


Saves the minimum (lowest) sample value during the one-hour interval (default).


Saves the maximum (highest) sample value during the one-hour interval (default).

Enable ProactiveNet

Enables data to be sent to a ProactiveNet server. See TMTM ProactiveNet Service for more information.

Configuring history rule parameters

Configure the high-resolution storage duration by setting amount_of_hires_to_keep in services.cfg.  

History rule errors

The following errors are possible when attaching objects to templates.

Error text


One or more selected objects have concrete history rules defined. Objects with concrete history rules cannot be associated with a template.

Remove the concrete rule from the object. See Removing a concrete history rule from an object. Reapply the template.

Note: BMC does not recommend the use of concrete history and event rules. They have been deprecated in this release and support will be removed in the future. Instead, use the event rule and history rule templates to configure history gathering and event actions.

One or more selected objects are already associated with another template

You cannot attach a template to an object that already has a template attached. Detach the template and try again.

All selected instances are invalid.

Ensure you are attaching an object to a template of the same type.


Data compression and history rules

The TMTM History Service distills summarized data from raw data by compressing data every 30 minutes in accordance with the attached history rule. 30 minutes is a non-configurable value.

History rules are essentially data compression rules. They can be created for the numerical properties of objects in the physical tree. 


CurrentGetRate is a property of a queue. Because it is a numeric property, it can be used in a history rule definition.

Compression parameters are accessible for each monitored object property in the History tab view pane. You can select more than one compression parameter for each property. Compression parameters are described in History fields and parameters.

The following examples illustrate how to use the compression parameters to create a history rule.


Compress and store the minimum value recorded in the hour.

Select Min compression. The TMTM History Service tracks the minimum data value, compresses it each hour (default, unchangeable), and stores it as low-resolution data.

Compress and store the total values of a property.

Select Total as the compression value. The total of all data values reported for that preceding hour are compressed and stored for the associated property.

Compress and store the last recorded value of a property.

Select Last as the compression value. The last data value is compressed at the end of each hour for the associated property.

History rules and templates

A template is a rule holder that contains one rule for attachment to one or more monitored objects.

A template can be attached to one or more monitored objects while an object is attached to zero or one template. You can attempt to attach an object to more than one template but only the first attachment is valid.

Changes to a rule template are applied to all attached objects.


If your template is corrupted, the corruption propagates to all attached objects. Ensure that your backup procedures include the template files.
During an upgrade, the default views and templates (history and event) are overwritten with new defaults. A best practice is not to modify the default templates. Instead, work on copies of the default templates or on new templates.

Data resolution

Data resolution is a measure of the number of reported samples taken of the monitored data per unit time. The higher the data resolution, the more storage resources are used and the greater the network load. Resolution of reported data is set by the sample interval.

Sample interval

The sample interval is the time between data samples of the property being monitored. --set 'WebSphere MQ Monitor' SampleInterval 60

The default, configurable sample interval is 60 seconds.

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