Creating a profile

Only users belonging to the BTM Administrators Group or users with the right to manage profiles can create profiles or add or remove hosts from the host list, or add or remove users/groups from the access lists.

  1. Start the Monitor Console and open the Profiles tab in the BTM tab.
  2. Click New on the BTM tool bar.
  3. Enter a name for the new profile.
  4. Optionally enter a description in the Description field. You might use this field to describe the intent of the profile (for example, Development, Test, or Production).
  5. Select hosts from the Available hosts list and move them to the Selected Host pane using the arrow buttons. Use the Hosts Filter field to narrow the search for available hosts. Use Shift and Ctrl keys to select more than one host name.
  6. Update the access control list.

To update the access control list of a profile

  1. Open the Profiles tab in the BTM tab.
  2. Select the profile and open the Access Control List tab.
  3. Manage groups access rights:
    1. In the Available Groups list, select the groups that need Edit/Generate/Promote/Import access rights to models. Use the Groups Filter field to narrow the available list.
    2. Use the arrow keys to move the selected groups to the Selected Groups pane.
    3. Repeat steps a and b to grant deploy rights to selected groups.
  4. Manage user access rights:
    1. In the Available Users list, select the users that need Edit/Generate/Promote/Import access rights to models. Use the Users Filter field to narrow the available list.
    2. Use the arrow keys to move the selected users to the Selected Users pane.
    3. Repeat steps a and b to grant deploy rights to selected users.
  5. Commit changes.

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