Controlling agent logging with the log4crc.txt file

This topic contains the following sections:

Overview of the log4crc.txt file

The log4crc.txt file:

  • Enables you to control Agent logging in BMC Server Automation so that all Agent events are logged using consistent formats.
  • Is XML-based. By modifying XML tags in log4crc.txt, you can control which log files BMC Server Automation generates, how much information is included in each file, where each log file is generated, how often logs are rotated, and what sort of layout the contents of each log should use.


The log4crc.txt file is used to control Agent logging. For Application Server logging, you control logging attributes using the Infrastructure Management window on the BMC Server Automation Console and in the Application Server profiles of each default and custom profiles. The log appender, logging level, and logging format for Application Server logs are controlled using the file. For more information, see Controlling Application Server logging.

  • Resides in different locations on Windows and UNIX systems, as described in the following table. On Windows, you can have multiple instances of BMC Server Automation client applications, each with their own log4crc.txt file.

The following table shows how the location of the log4crc.txt file on Windows varies between the first instance and all subsequent instances.


Name and location of log4crc.txt file for first instance of BMC Server Automation

Name and location of log4crc.txt file for additional instances



Not applicable


For example, <WINDIR> can be \windows or \winnt.

For example, the default location for the second instance of BMC Server Automation would be C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ BladeLogic2\NSH.

Syntax for the log4crc.txt file

The syntax of the log4crc.txt file consists of three tags:

category tag

The <category> tag:

  • Identifies the types of logging that BMC Server Automation generates.
  • Can include three options: name, priority, and appender.

The following list shows the <category> tags included by default in the log4crc.txt file in a Windows installation. Default values vary somewhat for UNIX installations.

<category name="root" priority="info"/>
<category name="rscd" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC
Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log" debugappender="stderr"/>
<\!-- category name="keystroke" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC
<category name="rscdsvc" priority="info" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC
Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscdsvc.log" debugappender="stderr"/>
<category name="bldeploy" priority="debug"/>
<category name="bldeployConsole" priority="debug" appender="stdout"/>
<category name="bldeployAppserver" priority="error" appender="blbasic"/>

The name= option identifies the type of log file BMC Server Automation generates. The following table identifies all possible names:




Generates a log for the RSCD agent.


Generates a keystroke log that records nexec sessions. By default, this is disabled (commented out). Uncomment it to enable keystroke logging.


Generates a log for the RSCD agent server, which monitors the RSCD agent and restarts the agent if necessary. This option only applies to Windows installations.


A category managed internally by Deploy Job executables. Do not modify this <category> tag.


Agitator managed internally by Deploy Job executables. Do not modify this <category> tag.


Agitator managed internally by Deploy Job executables. Do not modify this <category> tag.

The priority= option specifies the amount of information included in a log. The following table identifies the possible priority levels:




Only fatal errors.


All errors, including fatal errors.


All warnings and errors.


Only connection information.


Connection information and user actions. This priority is only valid for the RSCD agent log (that is, the <category> tag named rscd ). This priority corresponds to logging level 1 in older releases of BMC Server Automation.


Connection information and user actions, as well as all the system calls that an RSCD agent performs to execute user actions. This priority is only valid for the RSCD agent log (that is, the <category> tag named rscd ). This priority corresponds to logging level 2 in older releases of BMC Server Automation.


All messages.

Keystroke logs (where name is set to keystroke ) support only the following options:




Only the STDIN stream of the command being run by nexec.


The STDIN and STDERR streams of the command being run by nexec.


The STDIN, STDERR, and STDOUT streams of the command being run by nexec.

The appender= tag provides a name and path for a log file. Enter the path using a UNIX or Windows format. Do not use a Network Shell path.


The <appender> tag specifies whether logging information is stored as a stream in a file or periodically rolled over into a new file, usually to prevent log files from getting excessively large. You can specify that log files are rolled at specified intervals or when log files reach a particular size. The <appender> tag also lets you specify secure agent logging and keystroke logging.

When a log file is rolled, the file is renamed with a number appended to its name. For example, rscd.log is renamed to rscd.log1. All new information is then recorded in the rscd.log file. When the log file is rolled again, rscd.log1 is renamed to rscd.log2, the current log file is renamed to rscd.log1, and all new information is recorded in rscd.log.

The <appender> tag can include three options: name, type, and layout. The following list shows the <appender> tags that are included by default in the log4crc.txt file.

<appender name="stdout" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="stderr" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="syslog" type="syslog" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="/tmp/bllog" type="stream" layout="dated"/>
<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log"
     type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200"
     rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>
<\!-- appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log"
type="digisign" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
layout="dated" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=

<\!-- appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/keystroke.log"
type="encrypt" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
layout="rawtime" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=
<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscdsvc.log"
     type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200"
     rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>

The name= option must match the name (including its full path) assigned to an appender option in a <category> tag.


The two commented out entries (where type is set to digisign or encrypt) are used in secure logging, a feature that is disabled by default. For information about secure logging, see Using secure agent logging and Using keystroke log files.

The type= option specifies the type of log file to generate. The following table identifies the possible types:


You can only roll log files when one source of logging data is being used to create a log file. In other words, only one category can be output to a single log. If multiple sources are output to the same log, you cannot use type=rollfile to roll log files. Instead, you must set type=stream.

streamLogging information is output in a continuous stream to a file.
syslogLogging information is output to the UNIX syslog. If you are using this option for UNIX systems, you must configure the UNIX syslog daemon (see Configuring the UNIX syslog).
rollfileLogging information is output to a file that is periodically rolled over into another file. If you settype=rollfile, you can specify how log files are rotated by including one or more of the following options in the <appender> tag:
rollsize Specifies a maximum number of characters for the log file. When the file reaches that maximum, log files are rolled.
rolltimeinsec Specifies an interval in seconds for rolling log files.
rollmaxfiles Specifies the maximum number of files used for logging. For example, if you setrollmaxfiles=10, you can store log files named log.1 to log.10. In this case, if you have already generated 10 log files, the next time the log files roll over, the information in file log.10 is lost.
digisignAs with rollfile, logging information is output to a file that is periodically rolled over into another file. In addition, log entries and rolled log files are protected using the security mechanisms described in Using secure agent logging. The parameters rollsizerolltimeinsec and rollmaxfiles mean the same as they do for rollfile. In addition to these parameters, digisign requires the following additional parameters:
certfile Specifies the file containing the agent's certificate.
privatekeyfile Specifies the file containing the agent's private key.
encryptUsed for keystroke log files. As with rollfile, logging information is output to a file that is periodically rolled over into another file. In addition, log entries and rolled log files are encrypted and protected using the security mechanisms described in Using keystroke log files. The parameters rollsizerolltimeinsec, and rollmaxfiles mean the same as they do for rollfile. In addition to these parameters, encryptrequires the following additional parameters:
certfile Specifies the file containing the agent's certificate.
privatekeyfile Specifies the file containing the agent's private key.

The layout= option specifies the type of layout used for logging information. The following table identifies all possible layouts:




Log entries use the same format of the data that is generated for the log message.


A time stamp precedes all log entries. Except for the time stamp, log entries use the same format as the data that is generated for the log message.


Used only when type is set to encrypt. This layout outputs minimal information in the log file-just the timestamp and the actual message. It does not output the category name and log level that the basic and dated layouts do.

layout tag

The <layout> tag defines the format of logging entries. Users should not modify the syntax of the <layout> tag. To develop additional logging formats, contact BMC customer support.

Using secure agent logging

Secure agent logging is a rolling log mechanism that protects your RSCD agent log files by:

  • Securing each entry in the current log file with a Message Authentication Code (MAC) and sequence number.
  • Protecting rolled log files with digital signatures.
  • Verifying the integrity of log files, and recording the status of each verification. You can later check log file integrity by using the bllogman command.

For information about secure agent logging, see:

Overview of the security processes

Here is an overview of the security processes that take place as an agent writes and rolls a log file.

  1. Before beginning to write its first log file, the RSCD agent generates a random session key. The agent uses this key to calculate a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for each entry in the log file.
    Note that this session key is used only for the writing of this one log file. When this log file is rolled and it is time to start a new log file, the agent generates a new session key.
  2. The RSCD agent starts writing its first log file — rscd.log. As it writes each log entry, it uses the session key to calculate a MAC and associate this MAC with each log entry. It also associates a sequence number with each entry.  Mac sequence name3
  3. When it is time for a rollover, rscd.log is rolled to rscd.log1.
    The following events take place at rollover:
    • MAC verification test and sequencing test.

      The agent verifies the integrity of each log entry in the rolled log file, rscd.log1, against each entry's MAC. It also verifies the sequence number (or in other words, the order) of each log entry.

      If either the MAC test or the sequencing test fails, the agent raises an event (in EventLog on Windows and syslog on UNIX systems) indicating that the file has been tampered with.
    • Digital signature file.

      The agent creates a corresponding digital signature file for the rolled log file rscd.log1. In this case, the corresponding signature file would be called rscd.log.sig1.

      The signature file has a status field. If the rolled log file failed the MAC test or the sequencing test, the status field is set to Inconsistent. If the rolled log file passed the MAC test and the sequencing test, the status field is set to Consistent.

      You can use the information stored in the status field to verify the integrity of a rolled log file, as described in Verifying the integrity of log files.

      The MAC and sequence number fields are stripped as part of the process of signing the rolled log file.

      At the next roll, the signature file is rolled along with its associated log file.
  4. The cycle begins again, with the creation of a new random session key for use in creating MACs for the next version of rscd.log.


    If an agent is restarted, the previous log file is automatically rolled and signed at agent startup. The agent also does the MAC verification test and sequencing test on the rolled log file.

Verifying the integrity of log files

You can verify the integrity of all agent log files by using the NSH command, bllogman.

For example:

engw2k3agt1% bllogman list --verify engrhes40vm10

Logfile(s) for host engrhes40vm10 with status:

/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log () --> Consistent
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log1 () --> Consistent
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log2 () --> Consistent
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log3 () --> Inconsistent
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log4 () --> Consistent


In the above example, there are five log files on the agent machine, engrhes40vm10. One file ( rscd.log3 ) is reported as Inconsistent, which indicates that it has been tampered with.

For additional information about bllogman, see the bllogman man page.

Enabling secure agent logging

You can enable secure agent logs as part of your initial installation (see Post-install configuration - Windows and Windows R2) or later on, as described the procedure below.

  1. Back up all your existing agent log files (if any). These files have names like rscd.log, rscd.log1, rscd.log2, and so on.
  2. Stop the RSCD agent.
  3. Delete all the agent log files.
  4. Make the following changes to the log4crc.txt configuration file:
    In the <appender> section, remove or comment out the rscd.log appender entry that has type set to rollfile:

    <-- appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log" type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/-->

    Uncomment or add the following entry where type is set to digisign:

    <appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log"
    type="digisign" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
    layout="dated" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=
  5. Start the RSCD agent.


    On UNIX agents, secure agent logs are only enabled (even if you have followed these steps) if the server on which the agent is running has either a working random number generator or PRNGD installed. Otherwise, usual rolling logs are generated.


    BMC Server Automation uses random numbers to encrypt communication securely. On HP-UX, AIX, and Linux 7 systems without a suitable Random Number Generator, the BMC Server Automation Application Server installation program gives you the option to install the BMC Server Automation Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon (PRNGD). PRNGD is an entropy gathering daemon (EGD) that performs a variety of actions to generate random data in a secure manner. 

    If a server includes a hardware device for generating random numbers, it usually resides in /dev/random or /dev/urandom. If that device is not functioning properly or is not FIPS compliant, the installation program advises you to install a patch to correct the problem. BMC recommends this approach for setting up random number support on a server. 

    Most computers have a random number generator, so you can choose not to install the PRNGD. However, if you choose not to install, the installation program aborts installation because it found no suitable random number generator and you chose to install a working device of your own. You can restart the installation when that has been done.

Disabling secure agent logging

If you have enabled secure agent logging and you now want to disable it:

  1. Back up the certificate.pem file and the signature files.
  2. Back up all your existing agent log files (if any). These files have names like rscd.log, rscd.log1, rscd.log2, and so on.
  3. Stop the RSCD agent.
  4. Delete all the agent log files.
  5. Make the following changes to the log4crc.txt configuration file:
    In the <appender> section, add or uncomment the rscd.log appender entry that has type set to rollfile:

    appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log"
    type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"

    Comment out or delete the following entry where type is set to digisign:

    <!--<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log"
    type="digisign" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
    layout="dated" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=
  • Start the RSCD agent.

Using keystroke log files

You can configure the BMC Server Automation RSCD agent to generate keystroke logs that record nexec sessions. Whenever a remote user uses the NSH command nexec to execute a command on an agent machine, the keystroke log captures and stores the command's STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR streams.

Keystroke logs are:

  • Similar to the secure agent logs described in Using secure agent logging.
  • Rolled periodically and are digitally signed after they are rolled.
  • Encrypted and so are not readable.
  • Accompanied by a digital signature file, which lets you verify the integrity of a keystroke log file.

By using the NSH command blkeylogman, you can verify the integrity of all the keystroke logs on an agent machine, or a particular keystroke log file on an agent machine.

For example:

engw2k3agt1% blkeylogman list --verify engrhes40vm10

Keystroke Logfile(s) for host engrhes40vm10 with status:
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log () --> Consistent
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log1 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log2 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log3 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log4 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log5 () --> Inconsistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log6 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log7 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log8 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log9 () --> Consistent 
/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log10 () --> Consistent engw2k3agt1%

In the above example, there are ten keystroke log files on the agent machine. One file (keystroke.log5 ) is reported as Inconsistent, which indicates that it has been tampered with.

The active keystroke log file (/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log in the above example) is also protected by MAC codes and sequence numbers.

MAC sequence name 4

When the active keystroke log file is rolled, the agent tests it for consistency using the MACs and the sequence numbers. These two are then stripped off from the file and a digital signature is computed for it. If the log file was detected Inconsistent during this process, an event is raised (In the Eventlog on Windows and syslog on UNIX systems).

The blkeylogman utility also lets you:

  • View the decrypted contents of keystroke log files.
  • View a list of various nexec sessions that have been recorded in the keystroke logs.
  • Copy a (decrypted) keystroke log file from an agent to the client host.

For more details, see the blkeylogman man page.

You can enable keystroke logs as part of your initial installation or later on, as described in Enabling keystroke logging. To disable keystroke logging, see Disabling keystroke logging.

Enabling keystroke logging

You can enable keystroke logging as part of your initial installation or later on, as described in the procedure below.

  1. Stop the RSCD agent.
  2. Make the following changes to the log4crc.txt configuration file:
    In the <category> section, uncomment or add the following entry, where name is set to keystroke:

    <category name="keystroke" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC

    In the <appender> section, uncomment or add the following entry, where type is set to encrypt:

    <appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/keystroke.log"
    type="encrypt" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
    layout="rawtime" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=
  3. Start the RSCD agent.


    On UNIX agents, keystroke logging is only enabled (even if you have followed these steps), if the server on which the agent is running has either a working random number generator or PRNGD installed.


    BMC Server Automation uses random numbers to encrypt communication securely. On HP-UX, AIX, and Linux 7 systems without a suitable Random Number Generator, the BMC Server Automation Application Server installation program gives you the option to install the BMC Server Automation Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon (PRNGD). PRNGD is an entropy gathering daemon (EGD) that performs a variety of actions to generate random data in a secure manner. 

    If a server includes a hardware device for generating random numbers, it usually resides in /dev/random or /dev/urandom. If that device is not functioning properly or is not FIPS compliant, the installation program advises you to install a patch to correct the problem. BMC recommends this approach for setting up random number support on a server. 

    Most computers have a random number generator, so you can choose not to install the PRNGD. However, if you choose not to install, the installation program aborts installation because it found no suitable random number generator and you chose to install a working device of your own. You can restart the installation when that has been done.

Disabling keystroke logging

If you have enabled keystroke logging and you now want to disable it:

  1. Back up the certificate.pem file.
  2. Stop the RSCD agent.
  3. Make the following changes to the log4crc.txt configuration file:
    In the <category> section, comment out or delete the following entry, where name is set to keystroke:

    <\!--<category name="keystroke" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC

    In the <appender> section, comment out or delete the following entry, where type is set to encrypt:

    <\!--<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/keystroke.log"
    type="encrypt" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
    layout="rawtime" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile=
  • Start the RSCD agent.

Configuring the UNIX syslog

When the RSCD agent is configured to log to syslog, the local6 facility is used. To send these logs to a remote syslog system, the local syslog configuration must be setup to send the logs to the remote system. Alternatively, the logs could be directed to a local log file.  

In the /etc/rsc/log4crc.txt file, add the following:

<category name="rscd" priority="info1" appender="syslog"/>

This entry sends all events at the info1 level or higher to the local6 facility on the local system. To direct those events to a local log file, the /etc/syslog.conf file requires an entry like the following:

local6.* /var/log/rscd-syslog 

To direct those events to a remote host,add the following to the /etc/syslog.conf file:


Your syslog daemon configuration specifics may differ.

If the RSCD agent is configured to send logs to syslog, the log created by syslog is not managed by the RSCD Agent’s log4crc.txt settings; it is managed by the operating system facility that manages the syslog log files.

Default log4crc.txt file examples

The following is an example of a default log4crc.txt file for a Windows installation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE log4c SYSTEM "">
<log4c version="1.1.0">
<!-- root category ========================================= -->
<category name="root" priority="info"/>
<category name="rscd" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log" debugappender="stderr"/>
<\!-\- category name="keystroke" priority="info1" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/keystroke.log"/-->
<category name="rscdsvc" priority="info" appender="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscdsvc.log" debugappender="stderr"/>
<category name="bldeploy" priority="debug"/>
<category name="bldeployConsole" priority="debug" appender="stdout"/>
<category name="bldeployAppserver" priority="error" appender="blbasic"/>

<!-- default appenders ===================================== -->
<appender name="stdout" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="stderr" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="syslog" type="syslog" layout="basic"/>
<appender name="/tmp/bllog" type="stream" layout="dated"/>

<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log" type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>
<!-- appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscd.log" type="digisign" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem"/-->
<!-- appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/keystroke.log" type="encrypt" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
layout="rawtime" certfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile="C:/WINDOWS/rsc/certificate.pem"/-->
<appender name="C:/Program Files/BMC Software/BladeLogic/RSCD/rscdsvc.log" type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>

<!-- default layouts ======================================= -->
<layout name="basic" type="basic"/>
<layout name="dated" type="dated"/>
<layout name="rawtime" type="rawtime"/>

The following is an example of a default log4crc.txt file for a UNIX installation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE log4c SYSTEM "">
<log4c version="1.1.0">
       <!-- root category ========================================= -->
       <category name="root" priority="info"/>
       <category name="rscd" priority="info1" appender="/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log" debugappender="stderr"/>

       <!-- category name="keystroke" priority="info1" appender="/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log"-->
       <category name="rscdsvc" priority="info" appender="/tmp/rscdsvc.log" debugappender="stderr"/>
       <category name="bldeploy" priority="debug"/>
       <category name="bldeployConsole" priority="debug" appender="stdout"/>
       <category name="bldeployAppserver" priority="error" appender="blbasic"/>
       <!-- default appenders ===================================== -->
       <appender name="stdout" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
       <appender name="stderr" type="stream" layout="basic"/>
       <appender name="syslog" type="syslog" layout="basic"/>
       <appender name="/tmp/bllog" type="stream" layout="dated"/>
       <appender name="/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log" type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>
       <!-- appender name="/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/rscd.log" type="digisign" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"
certfile="/etc/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile="/etc/rsc/certificate.pem"/-->
       <!-- appender name="/opt/bmc/bladelogic/NSH/log/keystroke.log" type="encrypt" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10"
layout="rawtime" certfile="/etc/rsc/certificate.pem" privatekeyfile="/etc/rsc/certificate.pem"/-->
       <appender name="/tmp/rscdsvc.log" type="rollfile" rollsize="10000000" rolltimeinsec="2419200" rollmaxfiles="10" layout="dated"/>

       <!-- default layouts ======================================= -->
       <layout name="basic" type="basic"/>
       <layout name="dated" type="dated"/>
       <layout name="rawtime" type="rawtime"/>

If the RSCD agent is configured to send logs to syslog, the log created by syslog is not managed by the RSCD Agent’s log4crc.txt settings; it is managed by the operating system facility that manages the syslog log files.

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  1. Alexander Specht

    seems that there is one mistake regarding /etc/syslog.conf configuration.

    Syslog onSolaris 11 system does not accept: - local6.* /var/log/rscd-syslog But only: - local6.<info|debug|err> /var/log/rscd-syslog

    Only local6.debug shows standard log messages in the defined "/var/log/rscd-syslog" log file

    Mar 29, 2018 06:40