Performing operations with SOAP Web Services

The .wsdl files provided by BMC Server Automation - SOAP Web Services are located on the Application Server. You can get them by using the following URL syntax:

https:// hostname_of_Application_Server:9843/services/BSAservice_name.wsdl?=

For example, to get the .wsdl files provided by BMC Server Automation - SOAP Web Services from an Application Server with a hostname of myAppServer, you would use the following URLs:



When you include the ?= string within the URL, the name of the web service includes the BSA prefix (and matches the name of the corresponding .wsdl file). In a URL that does not contain the ?= string, do not include the BSA prefix.

The general procedure for using BLCLI commands via web services is to log on to the BMC Server Automation Application Server, assume a role, and then run commands.

The following table describes the classes and operations that are available for use with the BMC Server Automation - SOAP Web Services:


Do not use double quotes to enclose the input of any of these operations. Input strings for web services are treated literally, and do not require double quotes.

Webservice Name Operation Description




Enables you to log on using user credentials. The session ID is returned. Use this session ID in all subsequent calls to identify the session.

Input headers:

  • transactionId (optional)

Input body:

  • username
  • password
  • authenticationType (values supported are: SRP, LDAP, ADK_PASSWORD, and SECURID)
loginUsingSessionCredential() Enables you to log on using a previously acquired session credential.




Enables you to assume a role after logging on.

Input headers:

  • sessionId
  • transactionId (optional)

Input body:

  • roleName




Enables you to execute a CLI command with arguments. Based on CLI syntax, you can choose one of the operations from CLITunnelService.

Input headers:

  • sessionId
  • transactionId (optional)

Input body:

  • namespace
  • commandName
  • commandArguments(list of arguments)

Enables you to execute a CLI command without arguments.

Input headers:

  • sessionId
  • transactionId (optional)

Input body:

  • namespace
  • commandName
executeCommandByParamListAndAttachment() Enables you to execute a CLI command with arguments and attachments. Input parameters are the same as for the executeCommandByParamList operation, and you can also pass attachments as arguments.
executeCommandUsingAttachments() Enables you to execute a CLI command with arguments and attachments.



getCredentials Obtains the credentials.
Version Returns the version of the provisioning service.
BuildDate Return the build date of the provisioning services.
getLastError If the last operation had an error, this retrieves the error object. If not, null is returned.



getXML Returns the ouput as xml for the provided REST uri and query parameters.
getJSON Returns ouput as JSON for the provided REST uri and query parameters.
postXML Performs a post call for the given rest uri and xml content.
postJSON Performs a post call for the given rest uri and JSON content.
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  1. Abhijeet Janwalkar

    How can we create a AppGroup in BSA via SOAP call coming from vRO

    Jul 18, 2017 03:57