

Starting version 8.9.03, BMC Network Automation is renamed to TrueSight Network Automation. This space contains information about BMC Network Automation 8.9.02 and previous versions. For TrueSight Network Automation 8.9.03 and later releases, see the TrueSight Network Automation documentation.

Managing reports

The following table contains information about managing reports in your environment, and provides links to the applicable topics:

Using task
Exporting and emailing reports

Learn how reports can be exported and emailed in different formats.

Viewing a Compliance Summary reportView the pass/fail compliance status for one or more devices for selected or assigned rules sets and fix compliance violations.
Viewing a Discrepancy Summary reportSummarize current discrepancies for a network span.
Viewing a Configuration Comparison reportCompare templates to templates, templates to configurations, and configurations to configurations.
Viewing a Configuration Difference Details reportCompare two configurations side-by-side.
Viewing a Device Inventory reportView inventory data, change history, discrepancy status, and compliance status for each device in the selected network span.
Viewing a Job Conflicts reportList all devices that are in multiple pending jobs.
Viewing a Quarantine reportView endpoints that are currently quarantined.
Viewing a Transcript Comparison reportCompare device interaction transcripts.
Viewing a Transcript Difference Details reportCompare two transcripts of the selected device actions side-by-side.
Viewing a Change Summary reportView configuration changes made to a network span over a period of time.
Viewing a Job Summary reportSummarize the actions and configuration changes for a selected job.
Viewing an OS Image History reportView the history of OS images installed on a device.
Viewing an ACL Search reportSearch a set of device configurations for access control lists (ACL) and identify if and how they are assigned.
Viewing a Configuration Search reportSearch a set of device configurations for a specific line or pattern.

Viewing a Transcript Search report

View text that appears in device interaction transcripts based on the search criteria.
Viewing a Device Adapter Capabilities reportFetch information about enabled device type and custom action adapters.
Viewing a License Usage reportList the number of online and offline devices managed by the BMC Network Automation software.
Viewing a System Diagnostics reportRetrieve diagnostics like memory usage, operating system information, configuration file settings, system parameters, component counts, and thread stack traces.
Viewing BMC Decision Support - Network Automation reportsView additional reports related to your BMC Network Automation environment by using BMC Decision Support – Network Automation.

Thread pooling in reports

Starting from version 8.9.02 of BMC Network Automation, the content for the following reports is generated using multiple threads running in parallel, rather than a single thread, to improve their performance: 

  • Priority reports:
    • Compliance Summary
    • Discrepancy Summary1
  • Status reports:
    • Configuration Comparison
    • Device Inventory
    • Transcript Comparison
  • Activity reports:
    • Change Summary1
    • Job Summary
  • Search reports:
    • ACL Search
    • Configuration Search
    • Transcript Search

1. For the Discrepancy Summary and Change Summary reports, only the report version which includes per-device details along with the overall summary while exporting or emailing, uses multiple threads.

The multiple threads used to generate the preceding reports belong to a pool of threads dedicated to report generation. All these types of reports share a single thread pool, which puts a throttle on the amount of concurrent activity allowed within the system by such reports. The maximum number of threads in this pool defaults to 10, but you can change it through the reportThreadPoolSize global property. If you set this property to 0 or less, then thread pooling is not used in report generation, and instead a dedicated single thread is used to generate a report, as done in previous releases

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