IPv6 address short format in MainView for IP

IPv6 addresses that exceed 16 bytes are displayed in MainView for IP a the short form. The IPv6 Short Format setting controls the form of those addresses.

The IPv6 Short Format setting uses the format (x.y):

  • The value of x represents the number of characters to display from the beginning of the IPv6 address.

  • The value of y represents the number of characters to display from the end of the IPv6 address. For this setting, x and y must be numbers between 0 and 14, and the numbers must add up to 14.

The beginning and end characters will be separated by a double period (‘..’), making a character string of 16-bytes.

The default short format setting is (7.7).You might want to change the setting, depending on how your IPv6 addresses are defined in your environment. For example, if the uniqueness of your IPv6 addresses is in the first few octets, you could use a setting of (14.0). If the uniqueness is at the end of the IPv6 address, you could use 0.14. You can display a shortened address as a fulll address by using a hyperlink: either to a pop-up with the full IPv6 address or to a detailed view with the full IPv6 address.

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