Limited support


BMC provides limited support for this version of the product. As a result, BMC no longer accepts comments in this space. If you encounter problems with the product version or the space, contact BMC Support.

BMC recommends upgrading to the latest version of the product. To see documentation for that version, see BMC AMI Batch Optimizer (Advanced and Standard) 2.9.

Conversion of BatchPipes parameter to Job Optimizer Rules

This topic a list of BatchPipes subsystem parameters and the related to a Job Optimizer Pipes rule option.

Converting BatchPipes parameters to Job Optimizer Pipes rules

BatchPipes parameter

Job Optimizer Pipes rule definition field name



Writer skip alloc synch

Reader skip alloc synch



Allocation synchronization +

Minimum readers +

Minimum writers

In BatchPipes-compatible pipes, the minimum number of participants that are required for allocation synchronization might differ from the number of participants that are required for open synchronization.

In Job Optimizer Pipes, both allocation and open synchronization require the same minimum number of participants for synchronization.

Check the values that are specified for ALLOCSYNC and OPENSYNC and determine the correct values for Minimum readers, Additional readers, Minimum writers, and Additional writers rule fields.


Close synchronization



Reader waits for EOF




There is no equivalent rule field for this parameter.


Writer error option

Reader error option

In BatchPipes, this parameter defines the error propagation processing for a specific participant.

The equivalent Job Optimizer Pipes rule fields define the error processing methods for the writers and readers (one for each type).

Check the specification of this parameter in all writers and readers of the pipe and determine the correct values for the Reader error option and Writer error option rule fields.


Create file +

Create file DD name (optional)

A file can be created by the writer only, when there is only one writer that is writing to the pipe. Only one file can be created with the pipe.

There is no equivalent for a BatchPipes fitting that is created by a reader or by a writer when there are multiple writers to a pipe or for multiple fittings that are created by a participant.


No-operation wait time+No-operation wait action

These rule fields define the no-operation time interval for all of the participants of the pipe and the action that is to be taken when the interval expires.

Check the specification of the IDLE BatchPipes parameter in all of the participants of the pipe and use the highest value for the No-operation wait time field.

Choose a value for the No-operation wait action field.

If OFF was specified for IDLE for any of the participants, specify 9999 for the No-operation wait time field, and specify O for the No-operation wait action field.


Writer signals EOF



Writer skip open synch

Reader skip open synch



Open synchronization +

Minimum readers +

Minimum writers

See the comment for ALLOCSYNC.


Buffer number



Deallocation synchronization

+ (optional) Reader error condition code or

Writer error condition code



Input-Output wait time +

Input-Output wait action

These rule fields define the maximum time (in minutes) to wait for data to be transferred to or from the pipe and the action to be taken when data transfer does not occur within the specified time limit.

BatchPipes parameters WAIT and WAITEOF are converted to Job Optimizer Pipes rule field Input-Output wait time.

Check the specification of these BatchPipes parameters in all of the participants of the pipe and use the highest value for the Input-Output wait time field.

Choose the Input-Output wait action value.

If OFF was specified for any of these BatchPipes parameters, specify 9999 for the Input-Output wait time field, and specify O for the Input-Output wait action field.


Synchronization wait time +

Synchronization wait action

These rule fields define the synchronization time interval for all of the participants of the pipe and the action that is to be taken when the interval expires.

BatchPipes parameters WAITALLOC, WAITOPEN, WAITCLOSE, and WAITTERM are converted to Job Optimizer Pipes rule field Synchronization wait time.

Check the specification of these BatchPipes parameters in all of the participants of the pipe and use the highest value for the Synchronization wait time field.

Choose the Synchronization wait action value.

If OFF was specified for any of these BatchPipes parameters, specify 9999 for the Synchronization wait time field, and specify O for the Synchronization wait action field.


Synchronization wait time +

Synchronization wait action

See the comment for WAITALLOC.


Input-Output wait time +

Input-Output wait action

See the comment for WAIT.


Synchronization wait time +

Synchronization wait action

See the comment for WAITALLOC.


Synchronization wait time +

Synchronization wait action

See the comment for WAITALLOC.

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