Viewing VSAM data set activity

The VSAM Activity panel shows the activity for all open VSAM data sets in the address space that is shown in the JOB field.

The following figure shows the activity for the open VSAM data sets in the address space named in the JOB field in the upper right corner of the panel. Up to two lines of information are shown for each open data set in the selected job. The first line is the DATA component of a VSAM data set. The second line is the INDEX and appears only for KSDS data sets.

You can use information on this panel to monitor the progress of VSAM usage in the selected address space, and to verify whether data optimization has been applied to the appropriate data sets.

VSAM Activity panel

******************************** VSAM Activity *************** Row 1 to 8 of 8
 COMMAND==>                                                    SCROLL==> PAGE
                                                               JOB=> DACBCSS
-------- -------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
REGISET  00012300 9E120400 ...32 .4096 ....539 ....388 ......0 .....24 ......0
                           ...32 .2048 ...1545 ......0 ......0 ......0 ......0
REGISET2 00014300 9E120400 ...32 .4096 ....403 ....379 ......0 .....24 ......0
                           ...32 .2048 ...1137 ......0 ......0 ......0 ......0
REGISET3 00016300 9E120400 ...32 .4096 ....403 ....379 ......0 .....24 ......0
                           ...32 .2048 ...1137 ......0 ......0 ......0 ......0
DUPLEX   00018300 9E120400 ...32 .4096 ....403 ....379 ......0 .....24 ......0
                           ...32 .2048 ...1137 ......0 ......0 ......0 ......0
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

To access the VSAM Activity panel

  1. Perform either of the following steps:
    • Enter A in the action entry field next to an item in the View Selection panel.

    • Enter ACTI on the Command line on the VSAM Control Blocks or the VSAM Local Shared Resource Pools panel.

To change the job that is displayed

  1. Type over the value in the JOB field and press Enter.

To refresh the current information

  1. Press Enter without making any changes.

To access the other detailed information panels

  1. Enter CBLK or LSR on the Command line.

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