Navigating the user interface — Job Optimizer

This appendix describes the basic operation and facilities of the MainView Batch Optimizer user interface (dialog).

The interface, an ISPF-based interactive dialog, provides access to the MainView Batch Optimizer control data set. This data set is allocated to the BSLPLEX data definition (DD) statement of the MainView Batch Optimizer Subsystem start task. While you can use the ISPF Edit function to view or modify the control data set members, the MainView Batch Optimizer user interface provides a protected environment to do so. The user interface verifies that any control data set members that you create or modify are syntactically correct and do not provide conflicting instructions to the optimization components.


Comment lines added to the control data set member through ISPF Edit might be lost when you edit these members through the user interface.

This section provides the following topics: 

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