Job performance reports

Job performance reports can provide information about the potential or actual benefits of Job Optimizer for the jobs in your site. The report presents potential or actual elapsed times depending on the source of the data.

The source data for these reports can be data from SMF or the History data set. When you use SMF data, the report presents potential elapsed times. When you use the History data set, the report presents either potential elapsed times for jobs in which MainView Batch Optimizer is performing job analysis or actual elapsed times from jobs in which MainView Batch Optimizer has already split the job.

You can generate the following types of reports:

  • The Summary Information Report presents a single line of information about each job.

  • The Detail Information Report presents a graphical view of the job statistics.

These reports have two common sections: a Report Parameters section and a Processing Summary section.


You can produce the Summary Information Report in CSV format, and the Detail Information Report in XML format. This allows you to export the data into an Excel file to be further sorted and examined.

You can generate the reports by using the MainView Batch Optimizer Candidate Utility program. This program is available from the MainView Batch Optimizer product support page.

For more information, view the Quick Course MainView Batch Optimizer - Candidate Report Utility.

This section provides the following topics: 

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