

This documentation supports the 20.20.02 version of BMC Helix Remedyforce.

To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Managing exceptions to normalization rules

The normalization process applies normalization rules to records in the Base Element and Model objects. Exceptions are generated for a specific combination of an object and field, such as Base Element and Manufacturer Name. Exceptions are field values in records that do not match any rule defined for a specific combination of object and field. Based on your requirements, you can choose to generate exceptions for some combinations of objects and names.

For each combination of object and field, you can view the total number of pending records and the total number of approved records. The Pending list displays field values that have been identified as exceptions by the normalization process. If the same field value is found in records of multiple classes, a separate exception for each class is created in the Pending list. For example, if the LaptopModel-2001 field value, which has been identified as an exception by the normalization process, is found in records of the BMC_ComputerSystem and BMC_Laptop classes, two separate exceptions are created for LaptopModel-2001 in the Pending list.

For each exception listed in the Pending list, you can map the exception to an existing rule, create a new rule and map the exception to that rule, delete the exception, or generate an ignored value rule for the exception. These field values are then moved to the Approved list for that combination of object and field. For exceptions that are generated for the Model field and the Base Element object, you can also create a new model. If you choose not to take any action on the exceptions, they continue to be displayed in the Pending list.

The following topics are provided:

See this video (5:29) to understand how to manage normalization exceptions in BMC Remedyforce.

Scenarios for managing normalization exceptions

The following scenarios outline the different ways in which you can manage exceptions to normalization rules:

  • Select one or more values from the Pending list and approve them by creating new rules for each value.
  • Select one or more values from the Pending list and approve them by mapping them as aliases of existing rules.
  • Select one value from the Pending list and approve it by creating a new rule for that value. You can then select other values from the Pending list and map them as aliases of the new rule that you have created.
    For example, say that BMC Software, BMC, and BMC Software, Inc. are values that are listed as exceptions that are pending approval for the combination of the Base Element object and Manufacturer Name field. In this case, you can select and approve BMC Software by creating a new rule with BMC Software as the normalized value. You can then select BMC and BMC Software, Inc. and approve these values by mapping them as aliases of the new rule with the BMC Software normalized value.
  • Select one or more values from the Pending list and generate a new ignored value rule for each value.
  • Select one or more values from the Pending list and delete them.

To view the list of exceptions generated by the normalization process

Navigate to Remedyforce Administration > Configure CMDB 2.0 > Normalization Exceptions to view the list of exceptions that are generated by the normalization process.

To approve exceptions to normalization rules

  1. Click the Remedyforce Administration tab.
  2. On the Home page, click the Configure CMDB 2.0 tile, and from the menu, select Normalization Exceptions.
  3. To approve exceptions for a specific object and field combination, click the record count link in the PendingCount status.
    On the Normalization Exceptions: Pending tab, each record corresponds to a field value that does not match any active normalization rule for this combination of object and field. If the same field value is found in records of multiple classes, a separate record for each class is created in the Pending list.
  4. On the Normalization Exceptions: Pending tab, select the check box next to the values that you want to approve.
    For each record, you can view the CMDB class of the record in which the field value was found.

  5. Based on your requirements, perform one of the following actions:

    GoalActions to perform

    Approve the selected values by creating new rules for each value.

    Click Approve and Generate New Rule.

    For each selected value, a new normalization rule is automatically created with only the Normalized Value field populated. To add aliases to the new rules, you must navigate to Remedyforce Administration > Configure CMDB 2.0 > Normalization Rules. For more information, see Managing normalization rules.

    Going forward, when these values are found in records, they are normalized based on the new rules that you create and are no longer added to the list of pending records.

    Approve the selected values by mapping them as aliases of an existing rule.

    Click Approve and Map to Existing Rule and in the Map to Existing Rule window, perform the following actions:
    1. From the list of normalized values, select the appropriate value.
    2. Click Map to Rule or Map and Open Rule.

    Going forward, when these values are found in records, they are normalized based on the existing rule to which you have mapped them, and they are no longer displayed in the list of pending records.

    Ignore the selected values by generating new ignored value rules for each value.

    Click Generate Ignore Rule.

    For each selected value, a new ignored value rule is automatically created with the Ignored Value field populated.

    Going forward, the normalization process ignores these values and they are no longer added to the list of pending records.

    Delete the selected values.Click Delete.

    Create a model record from an exception.

    Note: This option is available only for the combination of the BaseElement object and Model field (date type: Text).

    Click Create New Model and in the Model form, perform the following actions:

    1. (Optional) Enter the model description and part number.
      The Model Name, CMDB Class, and Manufacturer fields are automatically populated based on the values in the records for which the exception was generated.
    2. (Optional) In the Set Attributes section, select the attribute values that you want to populate when users select this model for a CI or asset in the Instance Editor. 
      For more information, see Managing models.
    3. To save the model and apply it to the CIs and assets for which the normalization exception was generated, click .
      CIs and assets that are already linked to another model are not updated.

    Note: If a model with the same name already exists in the model repository, you cannot create a new model from the exception. In this case, you can generate an ignored value rule for that exception. If required, you must manually populate another model in the ModelName (data type: Lookup) attribute in the records for which the exception was generated.

    Best practice

    • If the same value for the Model field and Base Element object is found in records of multiple CMDB classes, a separate exception for each class is created in the Pending list. Because the model name must be unique, you can create a model for only one of these exceptions. Consider the following scenarios:
      • If the CMDB classes for which the exceptions are generated belong to the same class hierarchy, create the model for the class that is higher in the hierarchy. In this case, the model also becomes available to classes that are lower in the hierarchy. For example, if exceptions are created for the BMC_ComputerSystem and BMC_Laptop class, you can create the model for the BMC_ComputerSystem class. You can then approve and map the exception for the BMC_Laptop class with the model you have created for the BMC_ComputerSystem class.
      • If the CMDB classes for which the exceptions are generated do not belong to the same hierarchy, create the model for the class for which the model is most frequently populated. After creating the model for one of the exceptions, you can select the remaining exceptions and generate an ignored value rule. If required, you must manually populate another model in the ModelName (data type: Lookup) attribute in the records for which the exception was generated
    • If you have normalized Model Name field values in the Model object, we recommend that you inactivate the model records that are now aliases of other model records. For example, if you have normalized the LaptopModel-2001 and LaptopModel-2002 models with the LaptopModel-2000 Series model, you should inactivate the LaptopModel-2001 and LaptopModel-2002 models. This action ensures that users can now apply only the LaptopModel-2000 Series model to CIs and assets.

      The Normalized With Model column in the Model list view enables you to easily identify the models that have been normalized as aliases of other models. For more information, see Managing models.

To view approved exceptions

  1. Click the Remedyforce Administration tab.
  2. On the Home page, click the Configure CMDB 2.0 tile, and from the menu, select Normalization Exceptions.
  3. From the Views list, select the Approved check box and click Apply.
    By default, only pending records are displayed in the Normalization Exceptions list view.
  4. From the Approved Count column, click the record count link for a specific combination of object and field.
    On the Normalization Exceptions: Approved tab, you can view a consolidated list of approved field values. The values could have been approved either by mapping them to an existing rule or by creating a new rule for that value.

Related topics

Overview of the normalization process

Scheduling and running the normalization process

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