Update module configuration

Updates the specified module configuration, including version, revision, and configuration items.

This topic includes the following sections:


HTTP method: POST

Request URL: https://<hostname>:<port>/baocdp/rest/module/config

Header: See HTTP request and response headers for header information, such as required authentication token.

Request body properties

PropertyTypeRequiredDescriptionValuesDefault value

Module name

You can retrieve a list of modules using Get all modules.

User-provided valueNA
versionStringYesModule versionUser-provided valueNA
revisionStringYesModule revisionUser-provided valueNA

Module configuration items

For each item provide a path and value.

  • Path: Fully-qualified path as follows:
  • Value: User-provided value for the configuration item

For more information about module configuration, see Editing active modules.

User-provided valueNA

Example request JSON

The following example represents a request to update a module configuration for a configuration item with a value type defined as String.


The following  example represents a request to update a module configuration for a configuration item with a value type defined as XML.


The following  example represents a request to update a module configuration for a configuration item with a value type defined as Secure.

Create the secure data using the encryption utilities included with the BAO installer's maintenance tool.

    "value":"&lt;EncryptedData &gt;&lt;CipherData&gt;&lt;CipherValue&gt;k6+5Pos0evyBx85ZX7/bIQ==&lt;/CipherValue&gt;&lt;/CipherData&gt;&lt;/EncryptedData&gt;"

To send a request to update a module configuration with the configuration item value data including quotes, you need to escape the quotation character with a backslash (\) character.

    "value":"This is \" data with quotes(\") "

For example,

    "value":"&lt;parentxmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#\" Type=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Content\"


If successful, this method updates the specified module's configuration.

Response body properties

statusStatus of the request
messageMessage associated with the request status

Example response JSON

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "Requested module configuration/s successfully updated."

Status codes and messages

For more details about HTTP response codes, see HTTP response codes.

HTTP codeMessageDescription
200OKRequest succeeded

Bad request

An error occurred while configuring the module.

401 Unauthorized
405 Method not allowed

Related topics

HTTP request and response headers

Format of API examples

Activate module

Deactivate module

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