High availability and fault tolerance for multiple servers at a single location

This deployment configuration requires a repository server, and a high-availability (HA) grid configuration that contains a configuration distribution peer (CDP), and an high-availability configuration distribution peer (HA-CDP) deployed on two servers (as shown in the following figure).

In this environment, the BMC authentication service provides redundancy to a common trusted authority. Only one authentication instance can be active and responsible for updating the authority at any time. The HA grid configuration with the CDP and HA-CDP manages all CDP failures by election. This configuration provides redundancy for job processing elements of the grid.

The repository uses an external database to store its content. Fault tolerance capabilities built into the database increase the resilience of this deployment by adding protection to the content. You can install a second repository server, but you need to configure it in cold-standby mode. Two repository servers connecting the same database instance cannot be run at the same time.

To achieve this high-availability configuration, you must complete the following activities:

  1. Install a BMC external authentication service (optional – needed if you do not use the embedded authentication service). For more information, see Installing an authentication service.
  2. Install a single instance of the repository.
  3. Configure the repository to use an external database, which manages the clustering functions.
  4. Install the primary CDP.
  5. Install the HA-CDP.
  6. Install content (modules and adapters).
  7. Add the adapters to the grids (CDP and HA-CDP).
  8. Configure the adapters.
  9. Enable the adapters on the CDP and HA-CDP.
  10. Activate the modules on the CDP and HA-CDP.


If you are installing a non-English version of the Operator Control Panel,  you must install it separately from the CDP. You must install the non-English OCP and CDP on separate Tomcat servers.



To set up high availability using your authentication service, refer to the authentication service instructions Remedy Single Sign-On HA environment Open link .

Related topics

Installing BMC Atrium Orchestrator Platform with Remedy Single Sign-On high availability clusters

Installation worksheet

Configuring the repository to use an external database

Working with HA-CDPs

System requirements

Adding adapters to a grid

Configuring adapters

Enabling and disabling adapters

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