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Upgrading the CDP from 7.6.03

The topic describes how to use the GUI installation program to upgrade a configuration distribution peer (CDP). During a CDP upgrade, you can also upgrade the BMC Atrium Orchestrator Operator Control Panel.


If you are installing a non-English version of the Operator Control Panel,  you must install it separately from the CDP. You must install the non-English OCP and CDP on separate Tomcat servers.

Before you begin

  • You must have upgraded the repository and it must be running.
  • If you are using an external BMC Remedy Single Sign-On instance, it must be installed and running.

To upgrade the CDP

  1. Navigate to and start the installation program for your operating system. See Performing the installation for the installation program names.
  2. On the splash screen, select the language in which to view the installation program, and click OK.
  3. On the Welcome panel, review the information and click Next.
  4. On the license agreement panel, select I agree to the terms of the license agreement, and click Next.
  5. On the Installation Type panel, select Upgrade an existing install, and click Next.
  6. Using the CDP upgrade worksheet, enter settings in the next screens to upgrade the CDP, including feature selection, destination directory, authentication service information, and CDP connection details. 
    The installation program verifies the communication with the repository. If it detects any invalid or conflicting information, it halts the installation process and displays an error message that describes the problem. After you provide valid values, the installation continues.
  7. Click Yes when prompted to restart the server and then click Next.
  8. When you have finished reviewing the installation preview in the Installation Choices Summary panel, click Install.
  9. When the installation finishes successfully, click Done.

Where to go from here

Clear your browser's cache before you log on to BMC Atrium Orchestrator Grid Manager.

If you have not already done so, you can upgrade any of the following: 

If you install an embedded version of BMC Remedy Single Sign-On during the upgrade process, after upgrading your BAO components you must complete the steps in Configuring a fail-safe enterprise service bus after upgrade.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
