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Understanding installation log files

Installation log files for each component are created during the installation process and are an invaluable resource for troubleshooting installation problems.
The following figure shows an example of the BAO_install_log.txt file that was created during an installation on a Windows computer. 

Log message format

The installation log files contain the following primary types of log messages:
The property FAILED_INSTALL_FEATURES lists features that failed during installation and provides a reason for the failure. The general format of all the log messages is:


The text start of eventMessageContent indicates the type of message.
Log file messages have the following severity levels: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST. When you view the installation log file in the file view, the SEVERE level are displayed in red and WARNING log level are displayed in yellow. The following example shows a LOG EVENT message that occurred at 1:10:28 AM with a severity level of CONFIG from the InstallationTaskAction source class.

(Jul 17 2008 01:10:28 AM

Types of installation log messages

The following table describes the types of message in the installation logs. 

Log message types



Contains the installation properties settings, the start and end of installation tasks, and installation panels.

The structure and content of the message is different on Windows, and UNIX operating systems. Typically, this information does not require further investigation.


Details how much of a task is completed.

Typically, this information does not require further investigation.


Shows failures through the use of stack traces.

If you receive throwable events, contact BMC Customer Support.

Summary section

Displayed at the end of the log, provides the data from the Installation Summary panel.

For example, messages indicating whether the installation was successful or unsuccessful. If the message indicates that the installation did not succeed, the Summary section describes the components that failed to install. Information about component installation failures is useful when contacting BMC Customer Support.

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