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Setting up the Value Dashboard and reports

As the Value Dashboard administrator, you can create, edit, and delete Value reports. You can configure the Value Dashboard page to display specific reports.


If a process is being used by the Value Reports for reporting and you turn off metric recording in Development Studio, the Value Reports will no longer work. 

This section covers the following Value Dashboard administration tasks:

Creating Value reports

You can create two types of Value reports: Process Metrics and Business Metrics. For more information about these reports, see Value reports overview.

Before you begin

To create both types of reports, you must set the Record Metrics property to true for any process you will report on (Process properties).

Business Metric reports have the following additional requirements:

  • You have configured your environment for dashboard use (Configuring your environment to use BMC Atrium Orchestrator dashboards).
  • You must have business metrics set up in the processes you will report on. See Metrics activity for details on using metrics activities to collect metrics.
    The Status field is not used for reports. 
  • When setting up the business metrics, you must use specific names for some fields to ensure that the metrics are included in reports. Use the following naming conventions:
    • In the Category field, enter VD_METRIC
    • In the Metric Name field, use one or both of the following names:
      • VD_TIME for your time savings metrics
      • VD_FINANCIAL for your financial savings metrics
  • The values associated with VD_TIME and VD_FINANCIAL must be valid, positive decimal numbers that can be summed. 

See Collecting business metrics for more information about setting up these fields for a metric activity.

To create a Process Metrics report

  1. On the Value Dashboard page, click Create Report.
  2. For Report Type, select Process Metric.
  3. In the Available Metrics list, select the process you want to report on.
  4. In the Report Name field, enter a name for the report.
  5. For Report Category, select the report category, which can be one of the following:
    • Time: Demonstrates the time saved by each workflow process run.
    • Financial: Demonstrates the money saved by each workflow process run. 
  6. In the Value field, enter the amount saved per workflow process for the report type. When the report is calculated, the total savings equals this value times each completed process run.

    • If this is a Financial report, enter the amount of money (in the currency used by your organization) saved for each process run.
      See Changing dashboard and report default settings for information about setting the currency. 
    • If this is a Time report, enter the amount of time (in hours) saved for each process run.
  7. In the Header field, optionally enter a report heading. You can use the following tokens to include report values in your header. Type two left brackets {{ to see your token choices and include them. 
    • Count: Specifies the number of records (process runs) in the report.
    • Period: Specifies the period covered by the report.
    • Financial: Specifies the monetary value saved.
    • Time: Specifies the time value saved.
  8. In the Description field, optionally provide a report description.
  9. Click Save.

To create a Business Metric report

  1. On the Value Dashboard page, click Create Report.
  2. For Report Type, select Business Metric
  3. In the Available Metrics list, select the process you want to report on. 
  4. In the Report Name field, enter a name for the report.
  5. For Report Category, select the report category, which can be one of the following based on the report metrics:
    • Time: Demonstrates the time saved by each workflow process run.
    • Financial: Demonstrates the money saved by each workflow process run. 
  6. In the Header field, optionally enter a report heading. You can use the following tokens to include report values in your header. Type two left brackets {{ to see your token choices and include them. 
    • Count: Specifies the number of records (process runs) in the report.
    • Period: Specifies the period covered by the report.
    • Financial: Specifies the monetary value saved.
    • Time: Specifies the time value saved.
  7. In the Description field, optionally provide a report description.
  8. Click Save.

To edit a report

  1. On the Value Dashboard page, click Edit Reports.
  2. Click on the report you want to edit.
    You can filter reports in the list by report name in the Report Name column. 
    The Edit Report page opens
  3. Make your report changes.
    You cannot change the Selected Metric, nor Report Type values. 
  4. Click Save.

To delete a report

  1. On the Value Dashboard page, click Edit Reports.
  2. Click on the report you want to delete.
    You can filter reports in the list by report name in the Report Name column.   
    The Edit Report page opens
  3. Click Delete.

To display reports on the Dashboard page

  1. Click Edit Reports.
  2. Select Display On Home for every report you want displayed on the Home page.
    You can filter reports in the list by report name  in the Report Name column. 

Process Metric report example

This example uses the following workflow.

In the workflow, Record Metrics is set to true.

The following report was created using this workflow.

The following image show the report settings when you edit this report.

Business Metric report examples

The following simple workflow is set up to collect business metrics.

Record Metrics is set to true.

The Assign activity assigns values to two context items: time_saved and money_saved.

The Metrics activity has the Category field set to VD_METRIC as required and both metric names are used as follows:

  • VD_TIME gets the time savings metrics value from the time_saved context item.
  • VD_FINANCIAL gets the financial savings metrics value from the money_saved context item.

The following reports were created using this workflow.

The following images show the report settings when you edit each of these reports.

Related topics

Value reports overview

Using the Health and Value Dashboards

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
