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Prioritize use cases

After you finish the interviews and list the use cases, the next step is to rank them by priority. Create a a mix of easy quick wins and more complex high-value use cases for the top ten use cases.

To determine the use case priority, consider the following:

  • The business impact - how much you can save or how much sooner can the business produce revenue or productive work
  • Deadlines for when a critical business event is planned or will occur, such as on-boarding a new acquisition or customer
  • When a strategic initiative is scheduled to roll out during which the workflows will ensure success


If you are just starting out with BMC Atrium Orchestrator and do not have critical or strategic events driving adoption of orchestration in the immediate timeframe, begin with a lower-priority use case that has minimum impact on the business. This way you can accomplish the first workflow roll-out without critical business impact from errors. You gain insight into success factors for your organization that can be applied to the successful adoption of orchestration of more important processes in subsequent projects.

Where to go from here

Develop formal designs

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