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Executing a silent upgrade from 7.9.00 with RSSO to 7.9.01 with RSSO

To launch the silent upgrade, you use the same command for all platform components. The options file controls which component is upgraded and its properties.

You execute silent upgrades from the command line and you are not prompted for input. On Red Hat Linux or Oracle Solaris operating systems, you can output debug logging to the console window by exporting LAX_DEBUG=true.

Before you begin

You must have an options file that specifies the components to upgrade and where to upgrade them.


To execute a silent upgrade

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the silent installation program.
  2. From the command line, execute one of the following commands to start the silent installation program. 
    When you specify the options file name, specify the full path to the options file, not a path that is relative to the installation program. 
    Type the command carefully. If you type the command incorrectly, you might invoke an installation mode that is unsupported.



    Server components

    See Performing the installation for the component installation program names.
    In the following component command lines, replace installCommand with the installation program name.


    sh ./installCommand
    -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=fullPathToOptionsFile/optionsFile


    sh ./installCommand
    -i silent


    -i silent

    BMC Atrium Orchestrator Development Studio



    -i silent




    sh ./setup.sh
    -i silent


    sh ./setup.sh
    -i silent


    -i silent -DOPTIONS_FILE=fullPathToOptionsFile\optionsFile

    The installer executes without prompts.

  3. As necessary for your environment, execute the silent installation on other computers until you have upgraded or installed all of the platform components.

When you finish executing the silent installation to upgrade the CDP, clear your browser's cache before you begin using the upgraded components.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
