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Assign LDAP groups to a BAO group

Assigns the specified LDAP group (or multiple groups) to a specified BMC Atrium Orchestrator group.

This topic includes the following sections:


HTTP method: PUT

Request URL: https://<hostname>:<port>/baocdp/rest/groupmappings

Header: See HTTP request and response headers for header information, such as required authentication token.

Request body properties

PropertyTypeRequiredDescriptionValuesDefault value


StringYesBAO group to which the LDAP groups are assignedUser-definedNA
groupsString arrayYes

List of LDAP groups to assign to the BAO group


Example request body



If successful, this method assigns the specified LDAP group (or multiple groups) to the specified BMC Atrium Orchestrator group.

Response body properties

statusStatus of the request
messageMessage associated with the request status

Example response JSON


Status codes and messages

For more details about HTTP response codes, see HTTP response codes.

HTTP codeMessageDescription
200OKRequest succeeded
 One or more mapping for the BAO group already existsOne or more of the groups specified to be assigned to the BAO group is already assigned to the BAO group

Bad request

An error occurred while uploading the resource.

401 Unauthorized
405 Method not allowed

Related topics

HTTP request and response headers

Format of API examples

Retrieve LDAP group assignments for a BAO group

Remove LDAP groups from a BAO group

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
