BMC Atrium Orchestrator ZipKits

This section contains information about the ZipKits designed for BMC Atrium Orchestrator Platform and Content. 


BMC Atrium Orchestrator ZipKits are not certified or tested by BMC.

ZipKits are developed by BMC consultants, customers, or support teams to enable BMC Atrium Orchestrator customers to solve or implement specific use cases that match their needs. BMC Atrium Orchestrator customers must use this content cautiously. If, for any reason the ZipKits content does not function as described, you may connect with the contributor (via BMC Communities or using the contributor's preferred channels) for assistance.

About BMC Atrium Orchestrator ZipKits

The BMC Atrium Orchestrator ZipKits program is intended for sharing “field written” content such as:

  • New custom BMC Atrium Orchestrator adapters.
  • Integration to third-party applications built using one of the BMC Atrium Orchestrator base technology adapters.
  • BAO modules for a specific function or a use case.
  • A set of modules that perform end-to-end use cases.
  • Useful utility workflows.

Each ZipKit contains the following artifacts:

  • A document describing what the ZipKit is for, and the key functions exposed in the ZipKit. 
  • A zip file or .roar file, which can be imported into your own BAO repository.

Where to start

To view the available ZipKits, see the BMC Atrium Orchestrator ZipKits content available on BMC Communities. 

To contribute to the ZipKits, see BMC Atrium Orchestrator Content Program – BAO ZipKits on BMC Communities. 

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