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get-alert operation

The get-alert operation retrieves alerts that are filtered by the specified search criterion.

The following table describes the <items> XML and request elements for the get-alert operation:

Adapter request elements for the get-alert operation





Specifies the operation name: get-alert



Specifies the parent element for the command elements



Specifies the duration after which the operation times out

Default value: 60 seconds



Specifies the parent element for the command parameters



Specifies the parent element for defining the search criterion



Specifies the parent element for a single search criterion

You can specify more than one filter criterion by using multiple <criteria-expression> elements.

Conditional; required if the <alert-search-criteria> element is specified


Specifies the alert attribute used in the search


You can use the find-alert-by-id operation to retrieve all the available alert attributes.

Valid values:

  • ResolutionState
  • Priority
  • Severity
  • Category
  • ResolvedBy
  • Id
  • Name
  • ProblemId
  • Owner
  • LastModifiedBy
  • TicketId
  • ConnectorId
  • PrincipalName
  • SiteName

Conditional; required if the <alert-search-criteria> element is specified


Specifies the value of the attribute specified in the <key> element

Conditional; required if the <alert-search-criteria> element is specified


Specifies an operator

  • If you specify this element under the <alert-search-criteria> element, it specifies the operator between multiple <criteria-expression> elements.

    Valid values: and, or
  • If you specify this element under the <criteria-expression> element, it specifies the operator for <key> and <value> elements.

    Valid values: equals, not equals, like, greater than, less than, in (to be used when the ID is used as a key)

Conditional; required if the <alert-search-criteria> element is specified

The following figure illustrates a sample adapter request for the get-alert operation:

Sample adapter request for the get-alert operation


The following figure illustrates the adapter response for the sample request:

Sample adapter response for the get-alert operation

          l.Startup.ps1;get-alert -criteria {Id = 'f0f02b87-5a8e-4553-bfbe-032a92945aa9'}</command>
          <Name>The service cannot be started</Name>
          <Description>Service started.</Description>
          <Owner />
          <ResolvedBy />
          <TimeRaised>1/19/2009 2:20:45 PM</TimeRaised>
          <TimeAdded>1/19/2009 2:20:45 PM</TimeAdded>
          <LastModified>2/11/2009 12:23:52 PM</LastModified>
          <TimeResolved />
          <TimeResolutionStateLastModified>1/30/2009 9:37:44 AM</TimeResolutionStateLastModified>
          <CustomField1 />
          <CustomField2 />
          <CustomField3 />
          <CustomField4 />
          <CustomField5 />
          <CustomField6 />
          <CustomField7 />
          <CustomField8 />
          <CustomField9 />
          <CustomField10 />
          <TicketId />
          <Context><DataItem type="Microsoft.Windows.EventData"time="2009-02-
          11T17:22:36.0000005+05:00" sourceHealthServiceId="ADB901FE-08F4-490E-
            <UserName>N/A</UserName><RawDescription><![CDATA[Service started.%0]]></RawDescription>
            <LCID>1033</LCID><CollectDescription Type="Boolean">true</CollectDescription><EventData/>
             <EventDescription>Service started.</EventDescription></DataItem></Context>
          <ConnectorId />
          <LastModifiedByNonConnector>1/30/2009 9:37:44 AM</LastModifiedByNonConnector>
          <SiteName />
          <MaintenanceModeLastModified>1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM</MaintenanceModeLastModified>
          <StateLastModified>2/11/2009 6:40:05 AM</StateLastModified>
          <Parameters>{Service started.}</Parameters>
          <ManagementGroupId>ae1fcf8a-8088-31d8-93ec- 90fe77a32d44</ManagementGroupId>
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