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Datastore operation

This topic illustrates the adapter request and response for the Datastore operation and describes the elements used in the request.

Resize Datastore operation

The Resize Datastore operation grows or shrinks the Network File System (NFS)-based datastores (and associated storage object on the controller) and grows the Virtual Machine FIle System (VMFS)-based datastores (and associated storage object on the controller).

The following table describes the elements for the resize datastore request:

Adapter request elements for the Resize Datastore operation





Specifies the operation name: resize-datastore



Specifies a list of arguments required for the <resize-datastore> operation



Specifies the name of the datastore to be resized

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the name or IP address of the storage controller that is used for the resizing operation



Specifies the new size of the datastore in MB

Valid value: Any positive integer


The following figure illustrates a sample adapter request for the resize-datastor operation:

Sample adapter request for the Resize Datastore operation


A sample adapter response for the resize-datastore operation is given in the following figure.

Sample adapter response for the Resize Datastore operation

<resizeDatastoreResponse xmlns="http://server.xyz.netapp.com/">
<return xmlns="">Task:task-28</return>

The following table describes the response element:

Adapter response element for the Resize Datastore operation




Specifies the task ID of the submitted task

Use the task ID to obtain the status of the specified task.

For information about using the task ID to check the task status, see Request and response for the Retrieve_Task_Status operation.

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