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Create Network operation for the Infoblox NIOS adapter

The Create Network operation creates an IPv4 or IPv6 network in the Infoblox Grid Manager.

Adapter request elements for the Create Network operation





Specifies the name of the operation: create-network



Contains the following elements:

  • <host>
  • <user-name>
  • <password>
  • <timeout-secs>


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the host name (fully qualified domain name) or IP address of the Infoblox Grid Manager

Valid value: Any string


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the user name required to connect to the Infoblox Grid Manager

Valid value: Any string


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the password that corresponds to <user-name>

The <password> element can contain an encryption-type attribute (the Encryption Type field on the form in the form view) that specifies whether the password is encrypted.

Valid value for <password>: Any string

Valid values for encryption-type: base64, plain (default)


  • Required if not specified in the request
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the time, in seconds, after which the request times out

Valid values: Any integer

Default value: 60 seconds



Contains the elements required to execute the request



Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 network or subnetwork to be created in a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format



Sets the mask for the network

The value for <mask> must be compatible with the network range.



Marks the network as disabled

Valid values: true, false (default)



Sets the authority flag for the network, which specifies whether a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server is authoritative for a domain

Valid values: true, false (defult)



Specifies a user comment for the network

Valid value: Any string



Specifies the template that must be used to create the network

If you specify a template, the values specified in the template take precedence over those specified in the request and the request elements are ignored.

Valid values: Any string



Sets the auto-create reverse zone flag of the network, which automatically creates reverse-mapping zones for the subnet

Valid values: true, false



Contains the following elements:

  • <lease-time>
  • <routers>
  • <domain-name>
  • <broadcast-address>
  • <dns-servers>



Specifies the lease time of an IP address to a DHCP client



Specifies the comma-separated IP addresses of routers


The <routers> element is valid only if you specify <failover-association> or <grid-member-address>.



Specifies the name of the domain for which the server serves DHCP data

The <domain-name> element is valid only if you specify <failover-association> or <grid-member-address>.



Specifies the broadcast IP address of the network to which the DHCP server is attached

The <broadcast-address> element is valid only if you specify <failover-association> or <grid-member-address>.



Specifies the comma-separated list of DNS servers to which this network is to be connected



Specifies the date and time, in ISO 8601 extended format, at which you want to execute the operation

Example: 2008-10-21T10:56:00Z



Contains the <attribute> element



Contains a key-value pair designated by the <key> and <value> elements that contain location-specific information for the network, such as building, site, and so on

Multiple instances of <attribute> are permitted.




    <comment>this is the sample comment using the adapter xml.</comment>
    <template>test template</template>

            <command>perl "/home/user/LAPfor118/server/grids/GRID1/library/adapters/implementations/bmc-adapter-infoblox-vnios-actor_20.12.03.00_6/create_network.pl"  "" "ad***" "i@cbol" "network:" "mask:24"</command>
            <line index="1">Response Code:0</line>
            <line index="2">Response Description:Operation succeeded</line>

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